Your Personal Mentor ( actively portrays their system as a break through solution that can help everyday people generates thousands of dollars per day with minimum time and effort. Taking over as the lead man for a previously viral scam known as My Millionaire Mentor, their correlated site accrued quite the notorious reputation within the making money online from home niche as one malicious and deceptive scam.
Infecting the online investment community with dishonest and illusive visions of grandeur earnings, Your Personal Mentor appears to be on the fast track just like its predecessor to be well-known as a unforgivable scam operation. Utilizing countless paid actors to provide outrageous and fictitious user-testimonials, every element conceived and reflected at was carefully and cleverly crafted to appear as genuine as possible.
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Gather the hidden facts regarding this pitiful and atrocious scam operation and understand for yourselves throughout our factual and comprehensive review why the Your Personal Mentor scam is one that should not be toyed with.
About Your Personal Mentor
Your Personal Mentor only discloses vague and unsatisfactory answers regarding what their operation is all about. Claiming to be a 21 step proven system, Your Personal Mentor claims that users will be connected with a private company that will connect them with high-end products where users solely have to refer prospective consumers to them. Asserting countless times that users can get rich within under a hour per day without having to do hardly any work at all, Your Personal Mentor is the active manifestation of a get rich quick scheme.
As expected, no reference to this alleged private company is ever made throughout the promotional video while all alleged commissions promised through a successful referral is claimed to be between $1,250 to $5,500. What products this private company is soliciting unaware consumers into purchasing we are unsure, but in order to offer commissions of that magnitude it probably isn’t something cheap nor ethical.
Linked Operations
As we mentioned a few moments ago, Your Personal Mentor employs many paid actors to deliver phony and fabricated testimonials with the attempt to build credibility and trustability. While this sort of scam marketing tactic is relatively old school, in the case of Your Personal Mentor it does the exact opposite. As you can see in the image below, this paid actor was successfully connected with the My Millionaire Mentor operation but under a different alias.
Reflecting an indisputable affiliation with My Millionaire Mentor, the creators behind were moronic and lazy. Employing many of the same paid actors while referencing My Millionaire Mentor throughout the promotional video and on their order form page, we wouldn’t be surprised to learn the the majority of the Your Personal Mentor elementary promotional video is the same bogus pitch video previously used by the discontinued My Millionaire Mentor scam campaign.
Inconsistencies and Red Flags
Your Personal Mentor tries to conceal the fact that that operation is a deliberate and illicit get rich quick scheme but their ridiculous claims and promotional video make it abundantly clear that their operation is nothing more than a ridiculous investment solicitation meant to swindle money from potentially interested consumers. Relying upon exposed paid actors, promoting the ideology of accumulating great sums of cash within minimum time while not disclosing any corporate information are incriminating red flags in our books.
Domain Inquiry & Reputation was a privately registered domain created on July 28th, 2016 through the domain registry. Possessing a SimilarWeb global rank of 176,989 with a US rank of 37,897 as of February 2018. According to the report, Your Personal Mentor has experienced a significant drop off in visitor traffic while approximately 46% of this sites traffic is derived from referral and email based sources. Review – Our Ruling is a bona fide get rich quick scam created by foolish and half-witted scam marketers. Exhibiting undeniable characteristics of being connected with the My Millionaire Mentor deceased scam campaign, it appears that the creators behind its leading campaign have found it necessary to continue pursuing the scum bag life style by introducing and infecting the online community with the Your Personal Mentor scam system.
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As you can accurately infer from the tonality and revelations made clear to you throughout our review, Your Personal Mentor is not a suitable or legitimate investment solution for online consumers. Do yourself a favor by remembering the saying that “if it sounds too good to be true, then it probably is.” Remembering this simple saying can help protect you from not only potential financial losses but also frustration down the road.