Behringer Rings Review

Behringer Rings ( is a trending online marketplace that functions as a small consumer outlet that supports various consumer goods and products.

Offering mostly electronic and fashion jewelry, Behringer Rings also offers customized gaming tech, superhero movie related clothing lines along with their more commonly pursued various styles of rings that are accompanied with a free price tag.

According to a WHOIS report, Behringer Rings was created only a couple weeks ago on March 26th, 2018 and has grown immensely in popularity due to their consumer catalog and free offerings.

Due to their recent emergence within the online shopping community, Behringer Rings has failed to accrue any feedback of the sort and likely appears to most consumers as a promising and straightforward online consumer outlet.

While Behringer Rings may appear as a trustworthy marketplace for online shoppers, discoveries and affiliations we unraveled throughout the investigative process of our unbiased and factual review will reveal a more wicked nature regarding the trustability of Behringer Rings.

To learn the truth behind Behringer Rings, we advise you continue reading our honest review and ask that you please share any feedback you may possess in a comment below.

What is Behringer Rings?

Behringer Rings is an online consumer marketplace that supports trend related products and goods through an underdeveloped catalog.

Failing to disclose a physical location let alone an About Us or Contact Us page, not much is known in regards to where Behringer Rings is headquartered from.

According to their FAQ page, average shipping confirmations take anywhere between 4 to 6 business days while delivery of purchased orders can take as long as 15 to 60 business days to arrive.

In addition, those looking to establish communication are encouraged through the footer of their site to reach out to them directly through Facebook.

The only other form of communication disclosed at would be through email at

Upon discovery of their alternate form of contact, we effortlessly connected that Behringer Rings was a spawn of Right Off The Top, which we classified as an untrustworthy operation that has through the support of the community been verified as a scam.

In fact, is no longer an active domain, instead it serves as a redirect URL and sends consumers to the Behringer Rings site.

Behringer Rings Catalog

Nearly identical to Right Off The Top, Behringer Rings allegedly supports many of the same trendy consumer goods such as gaming mice, select clothing lines, hats along with cheap jewelry like necklaces, rings, watches, bracelets and earrings.

Incorporating a filtering toggle for their catalog, consumers can elect to browse their supported goods by color, size, price and brand.

Consumer goods tend to range between a value of $0.00 to $200.00 while shipping costs are nearly double traditional retailers.

The only accepted forms of payment would be credit and debit cards that are Visa, MasterCard or American Express while consumers are urged to wait between 15 to 25 business days before making an inquiry about a potentially missing order.

While ordering an item free of charge may sound like an opportunity that is too good to pass up, Behringer Rings shipping and handling costs are taxing and more than easily cover the costs of the cheap free products allegedly offered through their site.

Who’s Behind Behringer Rings?

According to Behringer Rings’ Terms of Service, their site is operated by Right Off The Top.

As we made clear in our Right Off The Top review, Right Off The Top was operating as their sole entity and failed to be backed by a corporate or registered entity.

Which indicates to us that Behringer Rings is operating under the same capacity and does not render any true identifying information.

Community Feedback

Behringer Rings was recently registered and as expected their site has failed to accumulate any feedback.

Right Off The Top on the other hand reflects a different output and has quickly amassed a reputation as a malicious and deceptive scam that should be avoided at all costs.

In fact, there is an entire Facebook community combating against Right Off The Top and Behringer Rings in the hopes of eradicating their operations and saving as many people from being scammed as possible.

Which leads us to urge you that if you possess any experience or feedback regarding either Right Off The Top or Behringer Rings, please share it below.

Popularity & Domain Insight

BehringerRing.coms was a privately registered domain that was created on March 26th, 2018 through the NameCheap, Inc registrar.

Due to their recent creation, Behringer Rings has failed to acquire a SimilarWeb market intelligence rank but research will reveal that Behringer Rings was created by the same con-artists behind the Right Off The Top marketplace scam.

Is Behringer Rings Safe to Use?

Absolutely not! Behringer Rings operates without any credible supervision and was created by the same untrustworthy founders behind the misleading Right Off The Top marketplace.

Failing to disclose any identifiable communication models besides Facebook and email, Behringer Rings is nothing more than another variation of Right Off The Top which is why we are urging consumers to avoid this fraudulent marketplace.

Behringer Rings Review Conclusion

Throughout our factual review we have provided evidence against Behringer Rings supporting that their operation is one that cannot be trusted which is why we are urging potential consumers to avoid their enticing consumer goods and products.

Even if you are strapped for cash and looking to purchase more affordable goods, taking a risk with Behringer Rings will likely not pay off for you.

If you need further convincing, we urge you to read the feedback shared through the sources indicated in our review above. While those reviews may be tailed towards Right Off The Top, they indirectly apply to Behringer Rings due to being organized and operated by the same entities.

With this in mind, when it comes to purchasing goods online we only recommend placing orders with marketplaces overseen by transparent and verifiable corporate entities that can be held accountable, not unknown and unverified operations such as Behringer Rings.

For now, we’d recommend that you keep shopping on


  1. Melita Swain

    I ordered a ring in april they said it was shipped April 25th 2018 its july 13th still haven’t got it

  2. Key Horner

    I have sent them a message on Facebook twice because I placed my order on April 10th and it was shipped on April 15th and I still have NOT received it. They said it takes 60 days, I said it’s been over 60 days. They then said weekends and holidays not included. No tracking number included either. I ordered the free ring set. I am highly upset!

  3. blacckhina17

    I Been Waiting Over 9 Weeks For My Order & It Still Hasn’t Reached Me. I Fired Up Behind This Because I Love Shopping Online.😠😠😠😠

  4. Heather

    I have been waiting 12 weeks now for my order! I ordered two items. Two days later I got an e-mail stating shipment was on its way for just one of my items. Never got another e-mail stating my 2nd item was on its way…..still waiting on products. I say it’s a scam!

  5. Consumer

    Ordered a watch. It’s been over 3 weeks and I have received no communication from their end, not even an order confirmation mail. Seems like a scam to me.

  6. TJ

    Yo I have 4 rings and a watch from them it’s all legit this article is a scam

  7. Danny L

    I got their “luxury” watch that looked hella cool and the stuff that looked like glass on the front is plastic. It’s chipped on the side. And now I’m sad

  8. Bridgette

    I ordered a watch and ring for my son for graduation. I took more than a month however I have received the ordered items in time to present them to my son on his graduation day. After reading some reviews I was scared I had been scammed so I forgot about them. Happy to know everything is legit.

  9. Ksenija

    Hello, I ordered and received a watch from you, but it doesn’t work 🙂 how can I return it? I received it in that state, not working at all. I can throw it away, I don’t plan to pay battery inastallation more than the watch itself (shipping better to say). I was fool to believe the watch which is for free will be in a perfect state.

  10. Amanda

    Unprofessional. I got an email a month ago now saying my order had shipped. However there was no tracking number and they dont reply when contacted. Still havent recieved anything and have no clue where it is. Dont order from these crooks.

    • Vikrant

      I agree completely. The positive reviews here might not be dealing with shipped-out orders.
      Its been over 2 months for me and still haven’t received any sort of legitimate response from their side. It’s all automated replies which leads me to advise others- DON’T DEAL WITH THESE CROOKS. IT’S JUST NOT WORTH THE RISK AND EFFORT.

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