Chargebacks represent a form of customer protection, allowing credit card holders to dispute a transaction and to reclaim their money, provided their chargeback claim is indeed accepted. A chargeback will essentially void the transaction you made with the company, forcibly removing the funds from the fraudulent company’s account and returning it to the balance of the credit card holder.

Have You Been Scammed Online?

Don’t Miss the Step-by-Step Guide for Recovering Loss Funds!

As a fallback option for the consumer, the chargeback is a powerful tool indeed. Its power however should not be abused in any shape or form. Most people seem to consider chargebacks the slightly-more-radical equivalents of refunds. That, they are not.

Introduced by the Fair Credit Billing Act of 1974, chargebacks were meant to protect consumers from fraudulent transactions perpetrated by criminals, as well as from the sub-par services and abuse of various unscrupulous merchants.

Sub-par services and downright fraud is unfortunately quite wide-spread in the online world, so having such a tool at their disposal is definitely a net positive.

In order to properly wield the power handed to you by this customer-protection tool, you need to understand the nature of the chargeback thoroughly.

How Are Chargebacks Different From Refunds?

When filing a chargeback, the customer goes over the head of the merchant and has the bank forcibly return his money, without the consent of the latter. By contrast, a refund is an agreement between the two parties involved in the transaction, and as such, it does not bring the bank into the dispute as a decision-maker.

Chargebacks offer a plethora of advantages – in the short-run – and to all market participants over the long-haul. Their mere existence keeps merchants honest and always striving to offer their customers the best possible services and products.

Are Chargebacks Legal?

In case of fraud (such as a string of unauthorized transactions resulting from identity-theft) the card holder has every legal right to resort to this “weapon.” Indeed, there have been cases involving chargebacks, which were meant to recover money stolen by fraudsters.

When the existence of fraud is merely suspected though, card holders are always advised to contact the merchant first. The way of the refund should always be the preferred one, as it’s much quicker from the perspective of the customer and it allows the merchant to recover its merchandize and sell it again for profit. Refunds also stave off the possibility of “friendly fraud” and spare both parties the unpleasant ramifications resulting from chargeback-abuse.

What Exactly is ‘Friendly Fraud’

In essence, it is chargeback abuse. Sometimes, consumers decide to skip the refund process, because it is too cumbersome. They may experience buyer’s remorse, they may run out of patience waiting for the merchandize to arrive or they may aim to avoid certain handling fees.

In such cases, chargebacks are unjustified, and as such, they stray into the realm of fraud.

The Chargeback Process

Here’s what really goes on when you file a chargeback:

You first notify your issuer (your bank) and request a refund. The bank then reviews the request, and if the claim conforms to regulation, it is accepted. If it doesn’t, the chargeback is voided.

The issuer swings into action and simply strips the acquirer (the bank account of the merchant) of the money in question. It credits it to the victims’s account.

The acquirer then takes action and notifies the account owner of the chargeback, according to regulation. The merchant usually has the right to dispute the chargeback, which it probably will, given the dire consequences of the move for its operation. The acquirer then takes action on behalf of the merchant, re-presenting the chargeback, providing evidence delivered by the merchant.

The issuer reviews the evidence presented, and it takes action, either upholding its initial verdict, or reversing it and posting the transaction again to the acquirer.

From the above, it is rather clear that the chargeback process is a lengthy and costly one. Its consequences are significant for the merchant, as well as for the customer. Repeated chargebacks will result in the levying of fines upon the merchant and eventually the closure of its bank accounts.

A MATCH list entry is also in the books for the affected operator, which in essence kills the chances of it using payment processing services for 5 years. For less severe cases, a hiking of the processing fees and rolling reserves is in order.

From the perspective of the customer, refused chargeback claims are identified as fraud attempt, and they may result in the closure of their bank accounts.

In the case of a successfully disputed chargeback, the customer will end up stuck with the chargeback costs. Due to increased chargeback risk, merchants may hike their prices to compensate.

The bottom line is that while they are indeed potent customer-protection tools, chargebacks can be double edged. They should only be used responsibly, as a last-resort and by no means as a knee jerk reaction when seeking a refund.

What are Charge Back services?

Can charge back services really help scam victims recover money from fraudulent sites?

The short answer is YES!

We strongly encourage you to read on if you’ve been unjustly treated and manipulated by any type of online fraud. Don’t let them get away with your hard-earned money. Due to the large number of scams,  there’s a growing demand for reputable companies that specialize and dedicate 100% of their time into dealing with credit card disputes, as well as fraudulent wire fraud transactions.

Dealing with Charge-back Disputes On Your Own?

It’s definitely possible but you should be aware of some major challenges before you try.

Banks will not allow you to re-file a dispute if you fail on the first attempt, therefore if you make a technical mistake in the filing procedure you won’t get a second change.

Another important challenge to consider is that scam-artists keep in mind the possibility of potential disputes by clients, therefore they will do everything they can to manipulate the credit companies and banks into believing a false narrative.

Winning charge-back cases can result in the scam operation losing their merchant account and ability to process credit cards, therefore you can be sure that they will fight back to ensure your loss.

CNC Intel was created by a team of experts who fully understand the risks involved in this delicate process and have plenty of experience dealing with the challenges on a daily basis.

Filing a dispute on the website is simple and straight forward, customer service team is highly responsive.

How to Use Chargeback Services

At we partnered up with CNC Intel months ago. We’ve seen countless of positive reviews and feedback regarding the service.

Recovering your money doesn’t happen over night, and instead of having to deal with the stress involved many people are better off leaving it to professionals instead.

In most cases, the charge-back can be resolved within 3-4 months but in some cases it can take up to 6 months.

In terms of qualifying for Charge Back fund recovery service, the timeline depends on the type of credit/debit card used as well as your country. In many cases the filing must take place within 60 to 120 days, however in some cases a dispute may still be accepted even within 540 days of the date of the questionable transaction.

Based on UK law, clients can file a dispute within up to 6 years so it really depends on many factors, CNCintel is fully transparent and will provide you with the specific timeline depending on your situation. It’s in your best interest to initiate the process as soon as possible and it’s never too late to give it a chance.

As for wire transactions, unfortunately the same regulations do not apply as with credit card transactions which makes it more difficult without a lawsuit.

CNCIntel works alongside expert attorneys in the field in order to help their clients. It’s a process that requires a different approach but there’s still hope even for those who paid via wire transfer.

The service has been positively quoted on authority websites such as Huffington Post and Forbes.

You will find many endorsements and positive CNCIntel reviews all over the Internet.

Remember that scam-artists are hoping you will move on without a fight, instead you should stand up for your rights and demand justice.

If anyone reading this was able to use a charge back service or law firm successfully and got back their money, or if you used any other method of getting back lost funds, please enlighten us and share how you did it in a comment below. We’d love to hear and learn from your success stories.

As a postscript to this article on chargebacks, we’d like to remind you that prevention is better than cure! If you’re not sure about the legitimacy of a specific company, feel free to consult with us before sending your hard earned cash to anyone.

Success Stories

“I want to thank you for the advice to do a charge back I did a fraud dispute and I got my money back. I fallowed your advise and did not send them any more money what got me was the account manger called me every five minutes and was vary demanding he would call me day and night that got me pissed the numbers they used was New York then Washington they wanted 15.000 US then 10.000 then at least five they will make me tons of money in a very short time this went for a while one thing I did not make any trades the funny thing is Before I sent them any money they deposited 50.00 in to my acc and they made three trades for me to show me how they would make me money 2 wins one loss well any way all this going on I wrote you you responded the next day saying they are not regulated I would not send them any more money than I tried to withdraw the acc manger was vary angry he tried to get more money I told him OK prove it to me first that you can refund me he said OK then calls me tells me they cant because of Pr Trumps policy all the transactions are are blocked from other countries I tell him if they are blocked than how will you send me money  oh he had many  wayes through Canada different credit cards and so on this went on for awhile I even opened another acc with Chase Bank that did not work for them any way they  agreed to refund me the money they told me me I would get it in 3 to 7 days they pulled the money from the acc and i did not get it two weeks went by then three then I wrote you email below you responded try charge back so I went to your web site read it called my bank told them  the story told them I was a victim of fraud told them I have all the emails to back this up also told them I have an e mail from a reliable source suggesting a charge back which is you the bank said they would investigate and will let me know with in ten days I waited than checked  the balance the money was their so A BIGGG THank You. (June 2017)”


  1. K. Franke

    Very happy with Mychargeback and their helpful manner. I do think it would be a better service, however, if they could directly liaise with the banks.
    k. franke

  2. Christina Logan

    I’ve been working with Wing Insurance for quite some time and I’m very pleased to say I have finally received my payout for what was owed to me by Magnum Options. However I do recommend that you ask for your payout in your country currency because the exchange to New Zealand Dollars is a bit much.

  3. Jérémy

    S’est très bon mais comment faire pour adhéré parce que j’ai trop essayer sa marche pas je comprend pas expliqué moi comment faire

    • Ben hassi

      Ciao felix ma davero My charge back.eccellent

  4. Louis blondine Samantha

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  5. Nasiru

    I like everything here and i will like to join.

  6. Muhammad Hamza Jan

    Its exellent step to earn money good step taken mangement.

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