Review – Is it a SCAM?

Check Free Score ( is a designated credit monitoring platform that functions by allowing individuals to monitor their credit reports. Working in accordance with TransUnion, Equifax and Experian, Check Free Score provides consumers with incentive based memberships that enable them to monitor their credit with increasing control. While in theory Check Free Score appears to serve as the ultimate platform for monitoring your credit, recent consumer feedback has exposed some unnerving reports of unsatisfactory business practices.

As we guide you through our unbiased review, we will conduct thorough research into the mechanics of Check Free Score while laying out all the needs-to-knows. Learn for yourself whether Check Free Score is a trustworthy credit monitoring operation or if it is a hoax ran by deceptive thieves.

What Exactly is Check Free Score?

Check Free Score is an online credit monitoring service that enables consumers to oversee their credit report through TransUnion, Equifax and Experian credit bureaus. Consumers who wish to possess more control over the safety of their credit are able to enroll with 24/7 credit monitoring, custom email alerts and credit report consultation services. Working in accordance with 3 major credit bureaus, Check Free Score encompasses a large scope of monitoring services which are difficult to find elsewhere.

Who is Responsible for Check Free Score? is owned and operated by CSIdentity Corporation, Experian and TransUnion Interactive. Created in early August of 2016, Check Free Score was founded and is operated by the 3 credit bureaus that currently support their operation. While no main office location is disclosed on their site, a mail customer service has been established and can be addressed at:, RE: Customer Service, 5100 Buckeystown Pike, Suite 250, Frederick, MD 1704. For more immediate assistance, Check Free Score representatives can be reached at (855) 504-5868.

How does Check Free Score Work?

Check Free Score offers consumers 3 different membership packages that each come with various perks. While memberships are based on reoccurring monthly payments, the main attraction of this site would be the $1 7-day trial that is offered to new consumers visiting the site. Disclosed below the memberships available at Check Free Score along with the incentives they offer:

Basic Credit Membership

  • $9.95/Month
  • Daily Equifax Credit Report & Score
  • $6.95 Experian Credit Report & Score
  • Daily TransUnion Credit Report & Score
  • 24/7 Roadside Assistance and Minimum Rewards
  • Custom Email Alerts and Credit Fraud Consultation

Premium Credit Membership

  • $29.95/Month
  • Daily Equifax Credit Report & Score
  • Daily TransUnion Credit Report & Score
  • Unlimited Experian Credit Report & Score
  • 24/7 Roadside Assistance and Average Rewards
  • Custom Email Alerts and Credit Fraud Consultation

Ultimate Credit Membership

  • $39.90/Month
  • Daily Equifax Credit Report & Score
  • Daily TransUnion Credit Report & Score
  • Unlimited Experian Credit Report & Score
  • 24/7 Roadside Assistance and Maximum Rewards
  • Custom Email Alerts and Credit Fraud Consultation

Important Note: Failure to cancel your trial membership before their set billing date and you will automatically become enrolled in their Ultimate Credit Membership, no refunds are offered.

Community Feedback

Although Check Free Score appears to be a popular credit monitoring destination, that hasn’t stopped them from allegedly conducting shady business practices. Among the chief complaints we found regarding Check Free Score would be early billing cycle charges from users trying the free trial period or failure to acquire their credit scores.

Check Free Score Spec Report

  • Created on August 8th, 2016
  • Operates as a credit monitoring platform
  • Supported Bureaus: Experian, TransUnion & Equifax
  • Over 500,000 monthly visitor average over past 6 months
  • Representatives available 7 day a week at (855)-504-5868
  • Jointly owned and operated by TransUnion Interactive Inc, Experian & CSIIdentify Corp.

Can be Trusted?

While some negative consumer feedback paints a troubling image regarding Check Free Score, we still believe their platform to be trustworthy due to how popular they are and the verified entities who own and operate If in the future more troubling feedback is to surface, we will surely voice their feedback and make any needed alterations to this review if necessary.

Popularity had a SimilarWeb global rank of 74,941 and a US rank of 13,676 as of January 20th, 2018. Approximately 90% of the sites visitor traffic is US based while over 57% of all traffic is referral based. Last month Check Free Score experienced an increase in total visits by 11.73% enabling them to support over 803,000 visitors last month. Review Conclusion

Check Free Score is one of the most reputable credit monitoring platforms that functions with not one but with 3 major credit bureaus. Take control over your credit by participating in the $1 7-day trial and decide for yourself whether their platform is suitable for your credit monitoring needs. If you are unsatisfied with your experience, then make sure you cancel your membership prior to the fixed billing date otherwise you will automatically become enrolled with the Ultimate Credit membership.

Update March 1, 2023

Two days ago, on February 25, 2023 we received the following complaint:

I visited but now I am unable to log back in. The website redirected me to spam sites offering personal loans, and now I am concerned that my account information has been compromised.


  1. Member

    This company provides Credit Monitering with scores and reports that update monthly through equifax, experian, and transunon. Not only that, they also give you access to a credit dispute section where you can call in and they will help you dispute inaccurate items from your report. they also give you roadside assistance that covers 5 miles of towing, 2 gallons of gas if you ever run out on the side of the road, as well as assistance with jumpstarts, flat tires, and lockouts just for being a member. They also help with 1,000,000 dollars in identy theft insurance coverage. they provide you with 100 dollars in coupons per month on groceries. They provide discounts on hotels, theme parks, and movie theaters as well as travel anywhere you may go in the U.S.A. What more can you ask for.
    Thats a lie. the agents never yell at you

    • Angela Savage

      Well, I can go early say that they are lying about the roadside assistance 24/7/365… I am literally broke down right now! There is NO PHONE NUMBER I can call to get help with the roadside assistance. Their office hours are closed, therefore I’m out of luck. I’ve been paying monthly for about 5 months… I will definitely cancel my membership Monday morning.

  2. Ty Morrison

    This company is a complete rip off. They charged me $1 to enroll and told me that if I cancel before the trail period is over which is 7 days, I would not be charged. Well I enrolled on 9/29/18 and canceled on 10/3/18, which is less than seven days, I was also given a cancel confirmation#. They had the nerve to charge my card $49.95 on 10/12/18. I called them the same day and was told I will get my refund in 5-7 business days. It’s now 10/25, and still no refund. Now I have to call them back again. They are playing with my $$$$, and I’m the wrong person for that.

  3. Smart consumer who reads things

    You are all saying that they’ve stolen money from you, but in all reality, you did it to yourselves. On the website, it clearly states that after the seven day trial you will be billed the 39.90. It also has it in the welcome,e email. Don’t be upset with anyone but yourselves for not reading the fine print. Idiots. Have a great day.

    • Responder to smart consumer faggot

      Obvious company shill who is involved with this slimy shady business practice. Go fuck yourself you piece of shit

    • Matthew

      As a member of this company i can say they have really helped me. As for you people who dont read what you sign up for, You guys are idiots. This service is for people with actual credit gaols, notdumb fucks who use free sights thatdont even give you accurate credit scores.

    • Christina Nelson

      How in the hell can you say that this is all of our faults? I know for a fact I didn’t sign up for this shit for a fact bc my credit is shit and ain’t no body stealing my identity believe that. Now it looks like I’m not alone on ppl who don’t recall signing up for this bs. And I’m also not alone on not being able to find a way to cancel said account before the 39.90 charge. So maybe you should actually read ppls complaints before you go to insulting us. You’re the ignorant fool that works for the damn lousy ass company. I would never even want to tell anyone that since they are such scamming thieves.

  4. Nikki

    This company is a rip off. They reel you in with $1 fee to check your scores, then they lock you in with a ridiculous monthly amount of $39.90 a month for services that you could get elsewhere for free. If they were the least bit reputable, they would lock you in with the cheapest tier at $9.95 or so and then allow you to decide if you wanted to stay or increase the tier over time. They are a knock off company with unethical practices. They are rude with their customer service and I WOULD NEVER refer them to ANYONE. They are terrible. Money-sucking thieves…smh!

    • Christina Nelson

      Nikki, I couldn’t say that any better! Bravo! #Truth #thieves

    • Shelia

      Wow..the same thing has happened to me. I never subscribed for a membership and they have tried over 30 times to take the 39.90 off my cash app card. Successfully took the money off my card 3 times. So I called and they said I needed to call cash app. They even put me in a negative balance. I’ve been trying to get my money back but it seems no one cares.

  5. MAD IN MO

    I have been on the phone for 3 hours with these people. 4 calls later I finally found this and hopefully you can call and request your funds returned as well. I called in the appropriate time allowed and they said I would be cxld and no other charges would be made. Then on the 19th I was charged $39.90 without my authorization and I called back on the 21st and asked for a refund for a charge I did not authorize. He said he was Management and that he would cxl my membership, but that the company does not do refunds. I told him that is crap. I have my call logs, My cc statements and my email correspondence and they claim to be recording all of these calls so why was there no record of any calls I made in July according to them???
    Go to this link: SVCGS.COM and call them and let them know. I also went on every scam and rip off site and made a complaint about this company. The call center is located in Boca Raton FL. The address for them in Frederick MD is Bogus and the address they have on their site is listed with the BBB as JMS Marketing and closed three years ago also with a record for scamming people.
    Here are all the numbers you can call and give them your GRIEF! SVCGGS.COM CUSTOMER SUPPORT: 888 490 0810
    FROM MY ORiGINAL EMAIL on the day I requested the free trial.
    Your Free 7 day trial begins today and ends on 7/13/2018. You have been charged today with a $1.00 refundable processing fee to the card provided. After the trial you will be charged 39.90 by SVCGS.COM each month to the card provided until canceled. You may cancel any time, for details please log into your account. If you have any billing questions, please visit our help section here

    • Meka

      Thanks for the information. And this is not a monthly subscription they’ve tried hitting my account back to back like for 5 days and it’s always early in the morning when I’m asleep

  6. THERESA Schaafsma

    They’re telling me I already submitted a complaint and there crazy I want my money back . This was never authorized by me I did everything I could do to exit asap when they tried to get me check the box to accept. I did not authorize. this and this is down right theft.this has got to be stopped they just take money from whom ever they please and then give you the run around and call you a little later pretty much to your face. The number you dial for customer service immediately hangs up on you as soon as you dial.

  7. THERESA Schaafsma

    Please I want this service stopped. I never requested it never marked the box. I did everything to not accept it. I pushed the back button over and over to avoid it. And I’m not happy about you taking money out of my account. I never authorized it! That’s us theft. I demand any money already taken and am not authorizing no further payments to this company. Thank and good day. Signed: Very unhappy I would like to know how you got my bank info!???!!

  8. Doug J

    Same here. $39.90 a month. And I haven’t balanced my checkbook in a couple of months so they got $120. I’m printing out the item and going to my branch tomorrow to put a stop to this.

  9. Consumer

    I don’t even know where to start with this company! Between the lack of professionalism, the excessive noise in the background, and the fact that Mrs. Caroline continued to stumble over her words while reading a script she has probably read 30-40 times a day. People I struggle urge you to seek a more reputable company because this “CheckFreeScore” is not it.

  10. Lynn Lister

    I ran into this mess with TransUnion a couple days ago in which, if you noticed, they are part owners of this rip off company. They say it’s free then they need your credit card for 1.00 so you can prove who you are. Next you start coming up short on your money only to find out they’ve been getting you every month for 6-12 months. After all, look at the name, it plainly says, check free scores. Somehow I think that’s false advertising and should be punishable by law just like the rest of us. People be very ,very careful. I had several scam calls lately even from Washington, they call and say you’re going to jail for back taxes, grants that cost 300.00. Just don’t trust someone you don’t know. Even what may appear to be a sweet little old lady, just might be a old pro! Always be ready cause the crooks are getting smarter, after all, the government allows new gadgets to be free to buy that shows the bad ones how to get us. Anybody see a problem here? We have to be smarter! Good luck

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