Easy Pay Finance Review

Easy Pay Finance (easypayfinance.com) is a financing platform that was created on August 31st, 2012 by Duvera Billing Services, LLC.

Easy Pay Finance Review

Easy Pay Finance is an online platform that provides financing services to merchants in need of obtaining personal or auto financing loans. Operating as a short-term lender, Easy Pay Finance enables applicants to file for loan requests varying between $500 to $4,000 while loan repayment periods last between 12 to 24 months.

According to a WHOIS domain report, easypayfinance.com was created on August 31st, 2012 through the GoDaddy registrar and by an organization disclosed as Duvera.

Upon further investigation, research will go on to reveal that Duvera, actually known as Duvera Billing Services, LLC, is the overseeing corporate entity responsible for Easy Pay Finance. As found at Duvera Billing Services, LLC Better Business Bureau profile, their business was established and incorporated on May 18th, 2001 in California.

Disclosing a physical address of 1910 Palomar Point Way #101, Carlsbad, CA 92008, an entity known as Mary Jones is serving as their active President while Scott Vertress is their reflected CEO. Furthermore, Duvera Billing Services, Inc became a BBB accredited business on August 28th, 2017 and reflects a 71% negative customer review rating.

Easy Pay Finance is available in every state in the United States besides New York and functions as an instant approval lender. Charging a merchant fee of 2.99% for successful and completed loan applications, Easy Pay Finance offers same day payments as long as their application is completed by 4 P.M. EST.

In order to qualify, applicants must be 18 years of age, earn at least $1,000 per month and have a checking account in good standing for the past 90 days.

Supported Contact Methods

  1. Customers needing account information (866) 438-8372
  2. Interested Merchants (866) 791-0915 or sales@easypayfinance.com
  3. Existing Merchants (866) 337-2537 or merchantservices@easypayfinance.com

Easy Pay Finance Scam

Easy Pay Finance incorporates a minimalistic yet user-friendly platform but doesn’t appear to be upfront regarding their identity or overseeing corporation. Failing to disclose a noticeable Terms and Conditions, prospective applicants are not aware of the employed loan terms required by Easy Pay Finance.

To further complicate matters, multiple consumer complaints can be found at RipOffReport or at their corporation’s Better Business Bureau profile. Among the chief complaints reported would be  horrific customer service, outrageously high loan rates (between 129 to 200% on average) and the strong assertion that Easy Pay Finance is a scam.

Easy Pay Finance does not appear to be a popular site and reflects a SimilarWeb global rank of 606,130 as of March 4th, 2018.

Given the anonymous nature and numerous negative complaints, we do not feel that Easy Pay Finance is trustworthy and alternatively recommend BadCreditLoans or 24/7 Dollar Loans.

Please report any unethical conduct or insight by sharing a comment below!


  1. Sharp

    Never ever use this company. They are the BIGGEST scammers. What they are doing to customers is committing crimes. I see a MAJOR lawsuit coming soon. Report them to the BBB once you spot their shade. If it didn’t happen yet, it’s coming. My balance was $1400 about 2 months ago. Out of nowhere I saw a $1775 balance on my statement. “How Sway” how? They are clowns and will catch their KARMA soon. Watch what I tell ya.

  2. Jacqueline Banks

    This company is horrible I put in a dispute for my account they took the word of the merchant.I never received the furniture I was charged at 197% interest.I even have my police report nothing has been done.

  3. denise giangrante

    this company is ridiculous. purchases a puppy from breeders club of America in middletown nj. tries to pay balance within 90 days but couldn’t get the right person on the line. I am being. charged 159.99 percent and after a year of diligent payments I still owe 4000.00 more than. the price of the dog. the state of nj has usury capabilities but to no avail. I signed this do moment on a tiny iPad at the store with light beaming in everywhere it looked like 15.9 percent and although I was not happy with that, I signed. state of nj says tough …why are our government agencies not protecting us the consumers. we may as well run our ourselves and eliminate government and the exorbenent taxes we pay. government is ineffective and only cares about the payouts they are receiving from these companies. it’s a sad commentary on government protecting law abiding citizens

  4. Teron Gaines

    How can I get from under this company. $900 in car repair now it is 95% interest. How can I get these people away from me?

    • Anonymous

      Is it even legal to charge 151.99% interest??? My friend financed a dog thru them and I’ve NEVER EVER heard of an interest rate being that high!!

  5. Hershe Me


  6. Anaya

    Complete scam! Customer service does not answer questions. Treat customers with no respect . Try to charge intereste on payments they have already received. I had money in my bank they ran my debit. I was told it payment didn’t go through. I was on the phone for over an hr company telling them to run my payment they didn’t want to. They wanted to charge me interest. I ended up paying everything off & reported co to ca attorney general . Crooked company willing to squeeze every penny than can from people who needed a helping hand. Do Not Use this company they will ruin your bank account and squeeze double the amount from anyone.

    • Onnie Mae Garvin

      they are horrible the customer service is the worst. I paid my account off and they continued to take money out of my account .I called to asked for a refund they were horrible stating it would take up to 14 business days to get my money refunded. Saying that I need to send them my full bank account statement which I refused to do . This is the worst company ever . Karen A who is a customer service rep there is horrible and there is no sense in asking for a supervisor you get the same thing.

    • Onnie Mae Garvin

      Yes they are awful the customer service is the worst. I paid the loan off in the 90 days and they still continued to take money from my bank account as recently as this week when I called to see why did they take money out of my account they were rude and said I needed to send them a bank statement showing that the money was taken out I did send them the page that they were on and receive a email back say ing this is not sufficient I need your entire bank statement I refused because all you need to see is that you removed funds from my account and it is not in a pending status. I was told that I would not receive a refund until March first which is awful when they were clearly wrong . I asked to speak to a manager and he was not better. Karen A customer service rep there is horrible . They are a complete scam company preying on people in need.

  7. dennis

    Its scam. My original intrestes was no where near what they said I had. I had a 500 dollar loan after 7 months of pay 45 every two weeks they told me that my balance was 460. They ended jacking up my intrest to 200 percent. I paid it all at once to stop it. In the end I ended up paying over 1045 to borrow 500

    • Totuma

      Same here. My interest are 96.0% nobody believe that. They probably are launderers and we have not help. this is a real scam

  8. James Bower

    President obama put a limit on the amount of interest that can be charged. This was done to prevent another wall street bailout. Our current government felt profits for predatory lenders is more important. Now there’s no protection for consumers. Always read the fine lines. Thanks to this website im not getting a easy pay loan. And thanks to those who left comments.

  9. Linda

    Scam. Do not use this company. You’re welcome in advance for this advice.

  10. Nola Young

    We went them for repairs and our first payment was $175 and then I get a bill the next month and it’s $185 they said it was 189% so this is crazy we’re on a fixed income and I just don’t know what to do

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