Freedom Checks Review – WARNING! Fake Check SCAM!

Freedom Checks ( is nothing more than another online investment scheme meant to swindle consumers out of their hard-earned money.

Employing traceable stocks images into the framework of their site claiming that their users have generated hundreds of thousands of dollars and that you can to through minimum effort on your end is absolute rubbish.

Created by an entity known as Matt Badiali and reflecting a 67% negative customer review rating, as we will make abundantly clear, Freedom Check is not a credible investment solution.

About Freedom Checks

Freedom Checks employs a dull promotional video featuring numerous fabricated testimonials while promoting the ludicrous assertions of being able to collect thousands of dollars every month by taking advantage of what Freedom Checks has to offer.

Portraying their site more as an investment geared operation opposed to an online editorial, Freedom Checks composes puff piece publications on the natural resource sector, how to beat the IRS and supposedly provides access to Matt’s model portfolio which has helped some of his readers allegedly generate 262% to 575% returns.

Who is Behind Freedom Checks?

Freedom Checks is supposedly operated by an entity known as Matt Badiali.

According to the promotional video, Matt has been researching natural resources for over 2 decades and is a well-known financial strategist.

Offering a variety of newsletter publications, Matt provides financial investment recommendations through his editorials along with valuable market research insight.

What we found interesting though would be that if Matt is such as well-known strategist in the financial markets would be why he doesn’t possess any signs of an existence outside his affiliation with Freedom Checks?

Surely a respected individual of his stature would reflect some hint of existence beyond the limits of his Freedom Checks operation.

Freedom Checks Subscriptions

Currently, there are 3 different subscriptions offered through

Ranging from a price tag of $47 to $129 per year, the alleged focus of these publications would be to provide financial investing insight generated by Matt Badiali.

Listed below are there 3 subscriptions currently available:

Standard Subscription

  • Cost: $47 annually
  • Includes digital only subscription to Real Wealth Strategist

Deluxe Subscription

  • Cost: $129 annually
  • Includes digital and print subscription to Real Wealth Strategist

Premium Subscription

  • Cost: $79 annually
  • Receive Legal Ways to Beat the IRS Report
  • Includes digital and print subscription to Real Wealth Strategist
  • Receive How to Get Extra Social Security Checks Many People Don’t Even Know Exist
  • Receive 7 Free Ironclad Tools for Protecting Your Money & Privacy in Today’s Digital World

Inconsistencies and Red Flags

Freedom Checks promotes the illusive assertion that they can help everyday consumers collect hundreds of thousands of dollars annually while providing no transparent proof or evidence.

Having to rely upon stock images to pose as their user testimonials, it is evident that the alleged Matt Badiali does not possess an ethical set of morals nor renders a legitimate service.

In addition to operating unethically through the incorporation of fictitious testimonials, Freedom Checks overseeing corporate entity, Banyan Hill, is not a BBB accredited business and possesses a 67% negative customer experience rating.

Furthermore, as experienced as Matt Badiali may be in the financial markets, there is no reference to his qualifications and whether or not he is legally licensed to provide financial investment recommendations, which probably means that he is not.

Domain Inquiry & Reputation was registered on June 14th, 2014 by an entity known as Jason Pell from the organization 14 West Global Technologies.

While no other entity or domain information is revealed in the WHOIS report, according to SimilarWeb their site possessed a global rank of 683,215 with a US rank of 155,536 as of February 2018.

As reflected in the report, Freedom Checks appears to be showing inorganic signs of site growth while approximately 97.2% of all the sites traffic originates from users within the United States.

Can Freedom Checks be Trusted?

Freedom Checks corporate entity possesses an overall negative rating at the Better Business Bureau while the incorporation of fictitious user testimonials as stock images indicates to us that Freedom Checks is not a trustworthy operation. Review – Our Ruling

Functioning as an online financial investment editorial, Freedom Checks operates in a deceptive and illusive manner.

Implementing phony testimonials of their users who have collected hundreds of thousands of dollars is misleading and eradicates any credibility this operation may had possessed.

Do yourself a favor and avoid this puff piece editorial and any financial services that are affiliated with Matt Badiali.

Do you have relevant feedback to share regarding Freedom Checks? Please share your wisdom and experience below by leaving a comment!


  1. Chaudson Caliente

    These annoying radio ads started in February with the statement, “But you must get your dicks in a row by March 1st!”. Near the end of Feb. it changed to, “But you must get your ducks in a row by April 1st!”

    Today I heard it change to, “But you must have your ducks in a row by May 1st!”

    In his video he says there is a deadline to get on the roles of these 26-F companies in order to get a check and the ads seems to confirm this with their deadline, but since the deadline keeps changing I smell a rat.

    This is clearly a sham, but I sooooo wish these stupid radio ads would go away. They’re almost as annoying as the zyppah spots. I only hear them on conservative radio shows so I presume that the conservative hosts think of their audience members as fools who deserve to be fleeced.

    • Dennis Johnson

      Did they really say “dicks” in a row?? LOL

  2. Jan

    My mother fell for this scam and thinks she will be making bokoo bucks!!!

  3. barb

    Thanks to all of you!!….I was just getting ready to buy into the BS.

  4. William Sommerwerck

    Mr Biadali struck me as a bloviating gasbag. These “freedom check” payouts might be legitimate, but what it all comes down to is that he wants you to buy something before he tells you everything you need to know. The presentation could have been 1/10 as long, focusing strictly on freedom checks, and have given you the straight poop. Instead, I was “treated” to a crashingly boring lecture that, the further it went, the more suspicious I grew. I’m going to ask a knowledgeable person at my bank, who’s currently trying to help me get a home-equity loan, about this. If it’s legitimate, it won’t go away tomorrow.

  5. Amy Brooks

    Glad I checked the reviews before I bought. Incidentally I prayed and ask the Holy Spirit to tell me what to do. After a while I heard in my Spirit Goggle Freedom checks I did and read your reviews. Praise Yah for His love. Thanks to all those who shared their comments it saved me money.

  6. Lorraine Maria Holst

    Thanks for the review Tim. I am a 73 year old widow living on SS and a very small pension so this Freedom Check presentation was tempting EXCEPT I have always told my children not to worry about me regarding scams on the phone, TV, Internet etc. While visions of draining my 401K of the few remaining dollars I have danced in my head I was also thinking of the money I could leave for my kids.

    I have always prided myself on my sound mind in my old age and my ability to never, ever be scammed by anyone. I used to watch the news and see these women losing their money to Nigerian scams or some Lothario and I’d wonder how they were SO dumb. Proof that any of us can be scammed! This guy practically had me in his pocket and, as I listened, I went to my purse for my credit card. I think the ghost of my husband ‘smacked me upside the head with a brick’ cause I actually shook like a wet dog caught in the rain to rid myself of the fantasy of getting…well….not rich, just not staying ‘almost’ poor.

    I wish it were true and, of course, it’s not, but for that half hour when I listened to his BS I almost thought I’d be getting face lifts and Brazilian butt lifts with my dividends. LOL Since it isn’t true, and thanks for bringing me back down to earth, I’d like to find that fat faker and take my saggy butt to wherever he is and beat the hell out of him and his minions who lied about their windfall…they too deserve some karma! Now that would make me feel better than money!

    • jane jill

      You’re hilarious Lorraine, you’re post brightened my day.Stay the same always!

  7. Karen Long

    Why don’t they shut these scams down? I am immune to them (because I know better) but there are plenty of folks out there, especially seniors, who could be bilked out of what little disposable income they have. Why isn’t the government protecting such folks by regulating internet activity more closely? I think this is as important as the school shootings, why isn’t the Trump administration doing something about it? (I know… blasted politics and their special interest groups…. Blah.)

    • Wayne Howarth

      There is an old saying, “If it sounds too good to be true, It is!”

  8. LCW

    I should of looked up this information before I signed up for the information from Real Wealth Strategist. I just called them to cancel my subscription and get a refund. While reading/listening to his web-site I wasn’t completely sure if it was a scam so I did receive the so called free booklets and printed them out.
    Thank you so much for your input.

  9. Jeri

    The only one making any real money is Matt. Because the economy is so bad, the hard-working middle class have little to no job security, and many living month-to-month hand-to-mouth hoping for a break-a little breather. Also targetef are seniors & the disabled who are struggling to get by on fixed incomes. This scam artist posing as someone legitimate targets those who are the most financially vulnerable—those who can’t afford to give away any of their money since its earmarked for bills & such. Yet, these innocent people will go out on a limb trusting this fraud because he “sounds intelligent. The end result—these innocent people wind up losing their money & Matt the Fraud has their money & credit card information. I hope that anyone who fell for this scammers BS will be able to get their refunds. Regardless, they should contact their credit card companies & file a charge dispute. Banks have departments that handle just these kinds of cases. They should also report him to the SEC, FTC, and BBB.

    • Ptknight

      I and everyone I know personally are in the middle class and we are not suffering and the economy is not bad and we are paying less taxes this next year and less taxes are being taken out and I got a raise so I’m not sure what you’re talking about.

      • MARS MAN

        lol wait till u file taxes next yr for this years windfall and u have less deductions,, poof raise is GONE ! LOL

  10. Sddd

    You have to invest before April 1st, so that he can say it was just a joke – April fools. Lol

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