HomeType.org Review – Online Marketing Scam?

Home Type (hometype.org) is a peculiar site that was recently privately registered on January 30th, 2018 by an undisclosed entity.

As you will learn throughout our factual and honest review, Home Type operates with minimum transparency while many questions have been circulating the online community as a result.

To learn whether or not HomeType.org is a scam or a legitimate earning opportunity, we encourage you to continue reading our unbiased review.

What is Home Type?

HomeType.org is an online squeeze page that serves as a URL redirect for a number of different earning opportunities.

Sporadically changing their URL redirects, it is difficult to narrow down which network or the various niches that are affected by HomeType.org but what is clear is that they tend to endorse ClickBank or making money online from home niche opportunities.

Throughout the past 48 hours of our investigation process, we have encountered 3 different URL redirects that were featured when visiting the url “hometype.org.”

When Home Type first came across our radar they redirected to the SuperAffiliateSuccessSystem.com URL.

While their domain no longer appears to be visitable, this endorsed earning system was an expensive online money making system that allegedly provided all the ins-and-outs required to create, manage and expand a thriving online business.

More recently, however, HomeType.org served as the landing funnel for a couple of variations of a newly engineered marketing program known as Facebook On Fire. Promoting illusive delusions of grandeur earning opportunities by implying that you could earn over $3,400 per day is deceptive to say the least.

Couple those bold income claims with how there is no ownership information, no transparent earning evidence along with the fact that the employment of fabricated video testimonials are used and it becomes quite evident that we are more than likely dealing with an illicit earning opportunity.

Who is Responsible for Home Type?

Finding out ownership information in regards to HomeType.org or their supported marketing launches is easier said than done.

As research will conclude, their domain was privately registered while their Terms of Use (which can be viewed at hometype.org/terms) will reveal that Home Type is functioning as their sole entity.

No verifiable registered corporation is responsible for Home Type while their Terms of Use makes it abundantly clear that none of their supported campaigns will be held liable for any lack of income or circumstances that may arise while using their offer.

Similar to their previous campaign, Super Affiliates Success System (superaffiliatesuccesssystem.com), Facebook on Fire fails to provide any ownership or operational information in regards to their earning opportunity.

Not only does this greatly reduce credibility but also reveals how the creators behind these questionable systems wish to remain anonymous due to possible liability issues.

What You Should Know

Home Type primarily operates as a frivolous landing page used to mislead those looking for ways to accrue online income to invest with unproven and ungenuine marketing systems.

As with most untrustworthy investment ventures, Home Type promotes unrealistic income assertions while failing to be upfront regarding their active operators and established founders.

This lack of transparency is unacceptable and happens to be a key ingredient utilized by most online scam artists.

Furthermore, their user testimonials featured near the bottom of their most recent campaign (Facebook on Fire) are fictitious and go on to reveal two troubling truths.

The first being that Facebook on Fire is employing paid actors to create phony testimonials while the active operators behind HomeType.org appear to show no concern or relish the lack of any liability from their supported offers.

URL Redirects

  • FBonFire.com
  • Superaffiliatesuccesssystem.com
  • http://orbitnam.today/trendfbf/?a=20&s1=339&s2=drpage&reqid=56545839

Popularity & Domain Insight

As previously disclosed, HomeType.org was a privately registered domain that was created on January 30th, 2018 through the GoDaddy registrar.

As a SimiliarWeb report will indicate, Home Type has suffered a popularity loss from their previous month and currently reflects a global rank of 1,596,513 with a US rank of 406,119 as of April 16, 2018.

Should HomeType.org be Trusted?

Given the information disclosed in our investigative review above, we do not feel that Home Type is a trustworthy site to rely upon to find honest and reliable earning opportunities.

Given their lack of effort and resortment to affiliate with only deceptive and untransparent parties while blatantly concealing key operational and ownership information are typically exerted symptoms that lead us to believe that Home Type is not looking out for your best interests.

Home Type Review Conclusion

Throughout our comprehensive review we have shared the evidence required to support the assertion that HomeType.org is likely a scam.

Despite lacking convictive community support (although there is hardly any feedback), we feel that we have provided ample proof of the disingenuous nature behind Home Type and their endorsed earning systems.

Given these circumstances, we do not advise HomeType.org, Super Affiliate Success System, Facebook on Fire, or any other affiliated entities as a viable or trustworthy solution to effectively rely upon for online income related purposes.

Please disclose any experience or insight you may have by sharing a comment below!


  1. Mel H

    They are getting into people’s Facebook profiles and using their phone numbers to contact with their new amazon job opportunities. When visiting that site you notice immediately it is an omoooolee website scam. Many are operating out of Nigeria India and Far East. There is an organization they know as the international school for cons. I have been following them and their various con schemes for over three years. This began when the first one called trying to scam me. I am a woman but no fool. The romance level was a popular one but that has gone by the wayside due to ww news coverage.

  2. Kim

    I have received 7 calls from hometyping.org today from the number 334-487-1088. Claiming they found my resume online and something about working for Amazon. Listening to their message they gave you the option to press 2 to no longer receive calls from them so like an idiot I did. I immediately received a call from the same number (went straight to voicemail) Saying about the same thing but this time from webstore.org. UGH.

  3. Deidra Oneil

    they called me from 850-805-8385 and the recording said to work for amazon 17-32 dollars an hour and to go to Hometyping.org and fill out the application

  4. Ms. Anonymous

    on 8/19/2018 i got three different calls saying type from for Amazon, once they hung up after i said who is this again?. How sad to call people on their cell phones that have a unlisted number.
    the callers number was 864-689-3446 just in case these bad people read this, I HOPE YOU GET CAUGHT. People want to work and just because of bad scam people who can be trusted.

  5. Ford

    This is a very helpful article. This fraudulent guys just call me from 815-981-8692 and left me a voice message. Is there any way these fraudsters can be sued in the court of law?

  6. Ethel Carraway

    I got a call this morning from 8508087216 about a job for amazon at amazon profits.co. Went to look it up & nothing so called back and they said it was hometyping.org for amazon. Looked it up and found this site as well as their site which was trying to push a get rich scheme, that made me very suspicious. Glad I found this review! Thanks for the heads up!

  7. Teri Heydrick

    I have been getting the same weird phone calls. At first they left a message. Now they call me twice in the last 30 minutes after 11:00 pm, so I get irritated and call back to get a make money by typing for Amazon or something. I have no idea what they are up to, but that is some serious manipulative advertising done on my personal cell phone (which I don’t give out) for something I didn’t ask for.

  8. Jen Mott

    I too am getting these late night or early morning phone calls. The number that called me was (858)-780-4212. When I called back, the recorded message told me that this was an online business and I was going to be typing out a bunch of stuff and speaking with other businesses etc. They gave me the website name so I looked it up and here I am. I figured this was a scam to begin with because 1: you have to fill out a W-4 to be able to pay taxes; 2: a REAL business doesn’t just pick random people by phone call talking about a position; 3: I’m not about to do an online business of any sort until I meet my employer face to face.

    In conclusion, I also get a lot of emails of the same type of scam. Be aware of ANY business that sits there saying you can earn over a grand or more in a day or even a week unless you are darn sure it’s not a scam and you’ve filled out the necessary paperwork!

  9. Arlene

    I haven’t noticed anyone post (914) 600-3551. That is the number Sarah called me from and urged me to complete my application online. Instead, I found your helpful article warning me of what I suspected. Blocked the number, but there’s got to be more to it than that. How did they get my information??

    • Teri Heydrick

      My number is 984-205-4252 from North Carolina.

  10. Val

    I just received two calls after 11 pm. I have to be up at 6 am in the morning and I was in bed when they called. I called back the number as I was ready to scream at them but instead was invited to press 2 so that they wouldn’t call me back. Let’s see what happens, but callingme so late is harassing me. I only ended up here because I was looking for a website with them where I could complain, which I haven’t found in the end, but I am very frustrated.

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