Review – Another Shady Retailer!

InAHatBuy ( is another shady online retailer that is allegedly based overseas that supports a wide range of consumer goods and products.

Every item featured on their site is allegedly on sale, although their price points don’t really indicate significant online savings like we’ve grown accustomed to encountering with these oversea retailers.

To find out why we are urging online shoppers to avoid, we invite you to read our unbiased review.

What is

Unlike the majority of these recently incepted online retailers, InAHatBut takes a different marketing approach to entice prospective consumers.

While the vast sum of our recently reviewed retailers support ‘online savings’ ranging between 25% to 95% on the alleged retail value, InAHatBuy supposedly offers custom-made products that are all on sale.

As a whole, InAHatBuy does not reflect significant price differences when compared to other personalized and customizable online retailers.

The alleged aim behind InAHatBuy would be to provide a one-stop destination for any consumer who is looking to receive unique, custom goods.

Among the alleged categories of supported goods would be sport items, home and kitchen, shoes, car accessories, clothing attire, outerwear, toys and select knick-knacks.

Refunds are only accepted within 14 days after the receipt is issued, so the purchase date.

Which, when you compare the shipping durations for the majority of their supported countries, they coincidentally take longer than the refund period to even be shipped and received.

This is a legality precautionary on behalf of InAHatBuy so that they don’t have to be legally bound to render any refunds what-so-ever.

However, as you will shortly find out, it is highly unlikely that InAHatBuy supports any product inventory let alone being credible enough to consider as an online marketplace.

Featured in the header of the site would be text Inahsanc, although we could find no other reference to that text anywhere upon the site or across the web except in affiliation with

Who is Behind does not disclose any information regarding a corporate entity anywhere upon their site.

We navigated through their About Us, Contact Us, Privacy Policy and Terms of Service only to be find reference to that is operating as their sole entity.

Allegedly, InAHatBuy can be contacted through the following communication channels:

Physical Address

No. 3202, 32nd Floor, Block A, Building 1, International Building, Baishang International School, Shangyuan Road, High-tech Zone, Kunming, Yunnan, China

Telephone: 1308689523

When researching the disclosed address of InAHatBuy, Google was unable to successfully verify that it was a legitimate address.

In fact, several portions of the address appeared to be taken from different physical locations and chunked together all into one address.

These findings coupled with the fact that InAHatBuy fail to disclose verifiable ownership information are significant red flags in our books.

Domain Insight was a privately registered domain that was created on December 24th, 2018 through the NameSilo, LLC registrar.

When investigating through market intelligence reports, the site failed to acquire any web rankings indicating to us that the site receives minimum sums of traffic, if any at all. Reviews

During the time of writing this review (01/02/2019), did not reflect any feedback or consumer reviews across the web.

A couple sites similar to ScamAdvisor, which ranks as sites trustworthiness, indicates that the site is not trustworthy and could possibly be based out of Canada, not China.

Red Flags and Discrepancies

Lack of Ownership Information

InAHatBuy does not disclose any verifiable information pertaining to the sites owners or current operators.

Why shop with an online retailer that appears adamant to conceal their identity from the general public?

What else could they be trying to hide?

These are questions you should be asking yourself.

Clone Sites is another online retailer that we found that reflects indisputable characteristics between InAHatBuy.

Having InAHatBuy logo engraved in the site template while reflecting the same About Us page is irrefutable evidence that LucuryBuy is a clone operation in InAHatBuy.

In addition, a WHOIS report of will reveal that both domains were created on the same date, through the same registrar and with the same privacy package.

Fictitious Address does not disclose a verifiable physical address.

Clustering together several addresses of different physical locations into one address just goes to how you that InAHatBuy is not a trustworthy online retailer to be considered.

Is Safe to Shop? is not a trustworthy online retailer and is certainly not safe to shop with. Review Conclusion reflects many of the characteristics that we encounter when exposing scam online retailers.

Blatantly concealing their identity, failing to provide verifiable addresses and contact methods while conducting zero effort on their end to build up credibility, it is obvious that InAHatBuy is not a legitimate online retailer.

Given the information disclosed in our honest review above, we obviously are not advising consumers to consider InAHatBuy as a legitimate online retailer.

Outcome: InAHatBuy is NOT Safe to Shop.

Blacklisted Site: &

We invite you to share any insight, feedback or experiences that you may have below!


  1. Lynette Kendall

    Stupid me, I payed for a hot tub. Received my Order Confirmation via email, even received a tracking number. No need to mention that it never arrived. However, I did receive 2 phone chargers, shipped separately. Tried to send an email but would not go through. Guess I learned my lesson, but put this comment here to help others.
    Only question is to Facebook: Why are such scams posted on Facebook?
    The buy was too good to be true. I am such a dummy.

    • George

      Same happened to me
      I ordered a hot tub and I received one Iphone charger.
      Unfortunately I reported it to the authorities in Lebanon but they cant do anything.
      The ad was on Instagram.
      Hope this msg will help other.
      108usd lost

  2. sheldon p

    you already took my money and did not ship anything order #5681 you really fuck up I wish I could speak to a live person you won this time

  3. Shari j

    I purchased from them right around December 1st. Never received the product. I have contacted them and get lame replies. My last reply was in Chinese. I definitely was not careful and got suckered.

  4. Eyssielee Richardson

    Bought this hot tub, never received it. Tried to send an email, would not go through. Guess I learned my lesson, but put this comment here to help others.

  5. karen kohler

    I got screwed over too ,but am reporting them, never order anything that seems like a good deal. hope they catch these people

  6. Bobbi

    I did the same thing Kristie. I sent several emails. Go bullshit back …you know what they say about KARMA.

  7. Walter Wolk

    Wondering what responsibility Instagram has in this scam?

  8. George Mihalcea

    Stupid me, I payed for a hot bathtub. No need to mention that it never arrived.
    Only question is to Facebook: why do you post such scams?

  9. Kristi

    I also fell for the hot tub scam. Purchased in late December and was told 3-7 day arrival time. Phony tracking number arrived via email and after 1 week it was still in Yanwen China. Never received it of course and you guys are lucky you even got phone chargers lol. I got squat! When I emailed to complain they told me they would try harder in the future. Wtf?! How about you try harder NOW?! I told them I wanted my money back or I wanted my hot tub I ordered. Here’s where they messed up – they replied to my email but ALSO (I’m guessing this was accidental in their part) managed to send their reply to others who complained. Then I started getting emails from THOSE customers saying all they got was phone chargers. I immediately contacted my bank and filed a fraud claim and I’ve been temporarily credited $108 until they finish their investigation. I’m so damn pissed!! I have multiple health conditions and this would’ve helped me so much! What losers. Too bad they’ll just close up shop and change their company name and do this all again.

  10. Luzia Castro's

    I hate it but I confirm I am very angry I lost my cash too scared

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