Money Calendar Pro Review – Ripoff or Legit?

Money Calendar Pro ( provides investment services through an editorial platform that was created on January 17th, 2017 and is overseen by Money Map Press, LLC.

What is Money Calendar Pro?

Money Calendar Pro is a membership based investment service that is overseen by an entity known as Tom Gentile. Providing enrolled members with investment suggestions, Money Calendar Pro provides educational training videos, email bulletins along with access to a secondary service that is responsible with delivering investment signals.

Similar to Freedom Checks, Money Calendar Pro provides an editorial service that is centered around rendering investment services. Offering numerous subscription options just like Freedom Checks, Money Calendar Pro provides a broad selection of what appears to be investment advice through a variety of channels such as tutorial videos, email, trading signals along with market research.

While Tom Gentile is referred to as the main operator behind Money Calendar Pro, according to the site, their services function under the supervision of Money Map Press, LLC.

According to the Better Business Bureau, Money Map Press LLC was incorporated over a decade ago on December 11th, 2007. As seen on their BBB profile, Money Map Press LLC reflects a disclosed physical address of 16 W. Madison St., Baltimore, Maryland 21201. Mr. Keith Fitz-Gerald is the only disclosed operator who is positioned as an Investment Representative.

Other contact information we found relevant to Money Calendar Pro would be or the telephone number 888-384-8339.

Who is Tom Gentile?

Tom Gentile, the main entity associated with Money Calendar Pro, is allegedly one of the world’s foremost authorities on stocks, futures and option trading. According to the site, Tom Gentile focuses on delivering powerful trading systems and approaches that are engineered to propel everyday investors past the 99% and into the 1% of highly successful investors.

While research will confirm that Tom Gentile appears to be an existing entity, his credentials in regards to his licensing fail to be disclosed. Due to the lack of Tom Gentile’s regulatory approval, we are uncertain whether or not he is legally within right to provide investment advice without a possible governing license.

How does Money Calendar Pro Work?

Money Calendar Pro is an editorial service that provides investment advice such as market research, recommendations and trading signals via email. Tom Gentile is directly associated with the Money Calendar Pro publications and appears to be the sole author affiliated with that particular publication series.

Those wishing to commit with Money Calendar Pro must subscribe to the publication through the homepage. A subscription with Money Calendar Pro comes with an annual recurring subscription of $4,995. Refunds through this editorial are only valid for those who fulfill the terms of their performance guarantee which does appear to be disclosed prior to purchase.

The heavily asserted claim behind Money Calendar Pro would be that subscribers are able to turn $12,000 into $165,000 within only a year. Regrettably, no transparent evidence is included on the site to support this claim while their funnel page is used to mislead prospective subscribers into enrolling.

Unverifiable graphs are used to reflect an alleged trading portfolio of Tom Gentile’s investments while a subscription through Money Calendar Pro will also automatically enroll new members with a free subscription of Power Profit Trades, which appears to be an educational training course and recommended signal delivery subscription.

What Others Are Saying

Money Calendar Pro has experienced some turbulent feedback from a wide demographic of investors. As indicated at the Better Business Bureau, Money Calendar Pro’s overseeing entity, Money Map Press LLC, has experienced a 89% negative feedback ratio and has amassed 187 customer complaints within the past 3 years.

More negative and insightful feedback regarding Money Calendar Pro can be evaluated at Pissed Consumer. Out of 76 reviews shared at Pissed Consumer, the cumulative ranking of Money Calendar Pro equates to 2.7 out of 5 stars while the average reported loss equates to a value of nearly $4,000. Alleged cumulative losses to date is $230,000 while the most common complaints would be horrible customer service, solicitations to buy a high valued program along with bad investment advice.

Connecting The Dots

Money Calendar Pro is one of a handful of publications that is currently overseen by Money Map Press LLC. Other editorial publications featured at would be Power Profit Trades, Fast Fortune Club, Money Calendar Alert, Weekly Money Call and Cryptocurrency Windfalls. Each of these publications come with varying incentives, such as exclusive market research, high caliber trading recommendations along with strategic approaches to employ.

Power Profit Trades

Power Profit Trades is a subscription overseen by Tom Gentile which is why it is paired with the Money Calendar Pro subscription. The marketed advantages of Power Profit Trades would be the potential to double your money with America’s #1 pattern trader. In addition, it is alleged that Tom Gentile has accrued a profit of $999,125 over the past 24 months by using Power Profit Trades but no transparent evidence is disclosed to support such a bold claim.

Fast Fortune Club

Fast Fortune Club provides insight regarding Tom Gentile’s trading systems and applied investment approaches. While not much other information is included on their page besides the claims of being able to accrue thousands of dollars within a matter of minutes, Fast Fortune Club provides no verifiable proof that the subjects covered throughout their editorial publications are profitable.

Money Calendar Alert

The Money Calendar Alert subscription provides enrolled members with access to Tom Gentile’s proprietary system that delivers an alleged 90% to 100% investment consistency. Claiming to evaluate over 10 years of market research to find the most probable investment signals, it is asserted that investors can expect to earn a 100% to 200% daily return.

Weekly Money Call

Weekly Money Call is a subscription service that provides members with access to another of Tom’s proprietary systems. Allegedly after 5 years of development this trading system is able to “crunch million of  data points on 200 of the most liquid stocks in the market, and predicts – with pinpoint accuracy – which stocks are about to jump… and highlights ways to trade these jumps for  triple-digit gains (or more) in just four days or less.”

Cryptocurrency Windfalls

Cryptocurrency Windfalls is a subscription service that comes with proprietary tools that allegedly can assist investors with generating 5,000%, 10,000% to 35,000% profit gains. Coming with a $5,000 price tag with a strict no refund policy, Cryptocurrency Windfalls does not appear to be a credible subscription due to the blatant lack of transparent evidence to support such unrealistic income claims.

Money Calendar Pro – Is It A Scam?

Money Calendar Pro is overseen by a registered corporation but when you evaluate the lack of transparent evidence to support their investment claims in consideration with the overall community consensus, it nudges us towards the likelihood that Money Calendar Pro is a scam.

Money Calendar Pro, and more importantly Money Map Press LLC, are unwilling to issue refunds without certain conditions being met, while accepting zero liability for their editorial services, given these two truths alone we do not feel their publication services are trustworthy.

Money Calendar Pro Review Conclusion

Money Calendar Pro provides investment based editorial subscriptions that are allegedly geared towards providing investors with more trading insight and the ability to amass unbelievably high returns. Each of the publication services offered through Money Map Press LLC and found at fails to accept liability and promote preposterous income claims without verifiable evidence.

Over $200,000 worth of loss funds has been reported by over 70 victims of Money Calendar Pro while their subscription service comes with a hefty price tag of $4,995. Perhaps if Tom Gentile was more willing to provide transparent evidence opposed to unverifiable spreadsheets and portfolio graphs, we would consider reevaluating our current stance in regards to their legitimacy.

Have you been scammed? File a complaint with us today!

Please report any experiences or insight you may possess by sharing a comment below!


  1. Dwight Kaufman

    Sounds like to me, when you put the trade in, they can see it, and based on the info that they give, they can move, position, buy your trade. Which is basically just taking your deposits. The so called investor has no way of knowing if the info is legit. All of these people on the internet are just stealing from people. If theses systems were generating profits like the are clamming, they would waste their time trying to sell it to someone else. They be at the bank or on a plane going somewhere.

    • Solomou

      My friend if you are trading from a broker it’s impossible to change the outcome of a trade

  2. John

    I subscribed months ago and have made a number of trades using “TOM” exact information and have lost on each and every one except one that was a push. My total loss is over $3800.00 plus brokerage fees and these were all advertised as double or triple gain winners with at least a 90% accuracy! Needless to say I do not follow “TOM’s” advice any longer.

    • Chin-To Lin

      John, I do appreciate your honest confessions.

  3. susan

    at this time they are only asking $39 would that make you try it?

    • John Conrad

      its not the $39. it is what you stand to lose when you follow their “advice”. if you dont know much about options then dont do it. I have been doing options for 20 years and I know that you need to thoroughly learn about options before you start trading and start first with Demo trading before you do the real thing. Then start very small.. Just one contract.

  4. Bob Eubanks

    I joined Tom with a start-up amount of $3000. After following his advice for 3 months, I am now down to $1200. I receive solicitations almost daily. I am not really knowledgeable about investing, but I have even found blatent errors in the brochures I received. They are crooks!!!


    On this kind of claim all over, people don`t ask a simple question before going ahead to press the “Yes button with their hard earned money. How on earth could one know a secret to make such a huge amount every second and want to sell out the secret to the public?”
    Has Coca Cola company ever revealed the composition of their “concentrate” to the public? Guess not and never, if they do, they are out of business and crumble. Open your eyes widely.

  6. alex

    alex hi guys i have been with tom gentile for four years when i started i was a fresh newby to anything to do with investing or the stock market today i am still with tom and life has never been all things in life theres a price to pay and what you put in you recieve in first year of results are 10 virtual trades 1 loss $ 250.00 and 9 wins @$500 total $4500 minus the loss live trades ive made since 2014 to date 22/10/2018 116 live trades 5 losses total $2500 all up to date winners 111@ $500 per trade total winnings all my trades i only go for doubles thats 50k minus my brokers fees not bad for part time and someone who new nothing.sometimes the worst advice is that of some one you know who only has advice to give. there are good people in the world just like tom and i am grateful to have him on my side . do your own due dilligence never let any one derail you believe there is better for you should you want.avail for chat send me an email journey safe

    • susan

      please contact me so i can ask you some questions. i want to sign up but so much bad rap that i’m quetioning my decision

      • Thomas Anderson

        Susan, Did Alex ever respond to your request for info on Tom Gentile’s Money Calendar? I am more than interested in the program but after all the negative reviews I’m concerned.

        Thanks Thomas

        • Sandi

          I’ve been with Fast Fortune since 6/2018 and Money Calendar Pro since 1/2019. I’m on the positive. His system is a great system and his customer service is excellent.

    • Makepeace

      Please how can I contact you via email.

    • Gregory Mitchell

      Can you tell me how you came out ahead when so many are bad mouthing this procedure.

      I am new to this process and would like to know this .
      Thank you Greg

    • Sheldon

      hi Alex, read your email above.Glad u are having success trading with tom. I have be been having health issues ever since i signed up with Tom’s service. some how i got behind from the start, but am having hard time following recomendations. I have not purchased any thing to date.I thought i knew basics about option trading but have lost my confidence to place any trades.they always say anybody can trade options. perhaps u can give me some clarity. call if u can help me !! 313 5302271

    • Jim cha

      Alex, can i ask you few questions via email ? I had some reservations about this program as well. Please send me an email

    • Jim

      Alex, can i ask you few questions via email ? I had some reservations about this program as well. Please send me an email

    • Steve

      Buying puts or calls has a 30% statistical probability of success. Over the long term it is unsustainable. Using Tom’s service, he hit’s about 30%. BTW, 9 out of 10 occurrences is far too few data points for predictions. You need thousands of occurrences. I lost money following Tom. Stopped taking advice w 6 months to go on 2nd year. Email is inundated with sales emails for new services. Consider THEO trade for training. Far more value for a fraction of cost. Tons of video courses, live trading, weekly trading class, trade ideas, daily coaching and more. Great support. I can reach out to any trader with a question. Site is well organized. I can search and find any class. Some losses as I learn, but I am learning a ton. Far more than any other service I subscribed to.

  7. Kevin Baum

    I am so grateful that there are reviews sites. I was ready to try it myself and at the last moment decided to check if there was anything on Tom Gentile and his trading calendar. Thank you all for your input. Just an FYI- if you are looking into learning day trading, stay away from The Delta Trading Group. That’s another site that gives you false promises. I got snake bit on that one.

    • Sahand Shirzadi

      Yes exactly me too, I was going to invest thanks god I checked it up and Thanks to all guys that shared their bad experience hopefully all will make it again

  8. mark walker

    I think they take everyones money to buy fliers to send in the mail. Its insane. I guess a sucker is born every second.

  9. Anthony Harris

    Yes it is all a scam Tom gentles focuses on volume how many clients he can get at a 2000 plus wap! I’ve invested my retirement and every trade he made recommendations of I lost money big time. It’s a waste of the consumers time and it only loads his pockets with more volume so he can continue drinking beer with this crew nice like a big shot!

  10. Dale West

    Without the kind of services you provide we would all be in big trouble. Do you notice money map press’s cheaper services raise no red flags. I just signed up for one of them myself. The problem comes with the bait and switch, which often comes next. Beware the second and third offer after the first one! I’ll try and let you know how the first one pans out. Thanks again for your sensible warnings!

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