Is a Scam? – [REAL Review]

Noracora ( is an online boutique store that is starting to rack up a good volume of complaints amongst online shoppers.

Specializing in woman attire, Noracora presents their platform as a fast fashion shopping experience where clothes are said to be of designer boutique quality.

While Noracora may have once been a reputable online retailer, recent community feedback is starting to illustrate a different truth.

A truth riddled with misleading characteristics and investigative discoveries that we plan to make more than clear for you throughout the duration of this review.

With this in mind, if you would like to learn to why you should avoid the Noracora Scam and if you would like to know which other scam sites are currently affiliated with the Noracora scam than we invite you to keep reading on.

About Noracora

Noracora reflects a sleek and minimalist site template that is eye-catching and resonates a virtual modern curb appeal.

According to the About Us page of, Noracora is composed of a, “ of professional buyers identify all the latest fashion trends, at the same time example every detail or product quatlity. They work with emerging designers and brands worldwide, and together present collection of creative, trendy, high craftsmanship fashion on noracora.COM”

Yes, the spelling error on the word that is supposed to be “quality” is there.

There are several other spelling and grammatical errors littered throughout the pages of

So what is Noracora?

Noracora is an overseas based online retailer that appears to be scamming consumers on a reoccurring basis.

Promoting their online retailer as a trendy, discount retailer with high quality apparel, Noracora appears to be all talk and no walk.

Meaning, that according to customer feedback, the quality of Noracora items are laughable at best while the vast majority of consumers report not receiving their orders at all.

Among the categories of apparel goods supported at Noracora would be as followed:

  • Dresses
  • Tops
  • Shoes
  • Bottoms
  • Outerwear
  • Bags & Accessories
  • Swimwear

Orders are said to take between 3 to 5 business days of processing time AND then 7 to 30 business days of shipping time.

Any one with questions relating to purchase or general customer service inquiries are recommended to email

Most of the inventory featured at Noracora reflect online savings that range between 20% to 80% off what Noracora asserts to be the retail value for each particular item.

We encounter this shady marketing tactic all the time when investigating fictitious online retailers such as Noracora.

Among the accepted payment methods currently available through Noracora would be Visa, MasterCard and Maestro credit/debit cards along with PayPal.

Many customers who report being scammed by Noracora have been able to file claims through PayPal and get their money back due to PayPal’s Buyer Protection.

If you have been scammed by Noracora and used a payment method outside PayPal we advice that you contact your financial institution immediately and request a chargeback on said payment method while putting an order in for a new card replacement.

Better to be safe than sorry, especially when it comes to online scams like Noracora.

Who is Behind Noracora?

The About Us and Contact Us page provide no information of value in regards to identifying whom may be at the helm of this scam.

In order to find any ownership information we had to navigate our way through the sites Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy, where towards the bottom of the Privacy Policy we came across the following:

BTREE Limited:

20H, 29 Mark Road, Hemel Hempstead, Herts, Buckinghamshire, United Kingdom HP2 7DN (non-return address)

According to a Google Maps search, the address of BTREE Limited is not a real location.

Only partial segments of the address appear to be valid, which would be:

29 Mark Rd, Hemel Hempstead, HP2 7BN, UK

We were able to verify the ‘legitimacy’ of BTREE Limited through a Beta.CompaniesHouse report.

BTREE Limited, Company Number 10399060, is a Private Limited Company that was incorporated on September 28th, 2016 by an entity disclosed as Emma Freda Buckley.

The registered office address of BTREE Limited is the same address disclosed at

Domain Insight was registered by Chicv International Holding Limited, a Hong Kong based company, on October 19th, 2014 through the GoDaddy registrar.

Due to be Chicv International Holdings Limited being the reflected registrar behind Noracora .com we believe BTREE Limited to be nothing more than a company shell (a very common occurrence we have been encountering with these UK-based ‘corporations’) used to serve as the fall entity.

According to SimilarWeb, reflected a global rank of 41,554 with a US rank of 9,416 as of May 20th, 2019.

Detailed in the market intelligence report would be how in February 2019 Noracora only reflected an incoming visitor totaling around 150,000 where in April of 2019 they reflected an incoming visitor tally near 1.37 million.

Over 50% of the sites traffic stems from referral (24.82%) and display advertisement (32.89%) sources while social media platforms account for an additional 3.69%.

Noracora Reviews

You can gather a more comprehensive oversight regarding the legitimacy of Noracora by taking a bit of time to browse consumer reviews on the web.

For instance, Noracora on, reflected a 1 out of 5 star rank out of 317 reviews.

Shared below are a few of the most recent customer reviews we found:

“I placed an order over a month before I am scheduled to leave for a trip. I received emails that the items were shipped, and tried to use the tracking number to track my packages. The tracking number didn’t work. Finally, I received a valid tracking number and a message that the package could not be delivered. I checked the address, and it was correct, so I don’t know why I didn’t receive my packages. There is NO way I will receive my items before my trip. I will NEVER buy from Noracora again!”

“I made an order before checking the reviews out – which I always do – wish I would have this time! I immediately canceled my order through email, 5 or 6 times. Asked for refund to my Mastercard and I have heard NOTHING!!! Should have known better when there is NO PHONE NUMBER!!! What are you people trying to hide? Give me my money back and give it to me NOW.”

“Placed an order with them. Sent several emails requesting an update have had no response. Do not shop with them.”

TrustPilot also issued the following statement on their page on May 9th, 2019.

Contacting Noracora

Noracora only provides an email address to reach out to them.

Since the registered office address of their company shell, BTREE Limited, is a fake location consumers are solely left to email Noracora with the hopes of getting a response.

Their email address on record on site is

Many customers have sent countless emails to Noracora, however, and have yet to get any sort of response. Complaints

Negative reviews and complaints pretty much sum up the entirety of the Noracora operation.

Shared below are 3 of the most relevant complaints we found regarding Noracora at SiteJabber.

“It’s very hard to discover the real reviews because the people behind this “company” keep slamming good reviews. But when you read and see the silly names of the reviewer it is evident they are false. And scroll down to discover the bad ones. Yikes!”

“Same sad experience as so many on here. Contacted them 9 days after placing order and received a response the next day that part of it had shipped, with a tracking number which was connected to nothing. Since then, no response to my multiple inquiries. Now in the process of trying to get a refund from PayPal. Terrible company, do not order!”

“2 orders, not fulfilled. Got thank you note—but no fulfillment yet. They said “on the way” and then said my order was cancelled. I did no such thing. Awaiting customer service answers. EGAD. SCAM?”

Noracora Scam Sites (Updated 09/21/19)

Unfortunately, is not the only fraudulent retail site in active employment by the scam network behind these fake shopping sites.

By simply searching the registered address of BTREE Limited in Google we were able to connect the following sites that are in affiliation with


If you have any sites to add to this list please share your insight by leaving a comment below!

Is Noracora a Scam?

Yes, Noracora and ALL affiliated retail sites are scams!

Noracora Scam Conclusion

Noracora does an exceptional job as coming across as a legitimate online retailer that offers a wide selection of trendy and desirable consumer clothing.

Claiming to work with name brands and offering boutique designer quality clothing, Noracora has been called out on their bluff by countless consumers for their cheap clothing material and inability to fulfill simple customer orders.

Using BTREE Limited as a company shell, the real company behind this Noracora according to WHOIS directories would be Chicv International Holding Limited.

Why put your trust and time with an online retailer that reflects hundreds of negative reviews across the web while reflecting 2 of the most concerning red flags when it comes to online retailers.

The first being the inability to effectively communicate and reply to customers while the last being Noracora’s strong inability to deliver purchased goods as advertised.

Outcome: Noracora is a SCAM!

Blacklisted Site:

We invite you to share any insight, experiences or feedback you may have!


  1. Josie

    All of the above at least they got their items it’s been month and I haven’t recieved mind plus they kept my money

  2. Christine

    I should have checked reviews before. They promised 7-10 day shipping and it took 6 weeks. Also the scarf they sent was an entirely different fabric and not even the same color as the photo. Its like they put up a stock photo and then found the cheapest print that also had leaves and made a random scarf and sold it as the same thing. I got the same run around with returning at my own expense. NEVER again.

    • Suhy Amy M

      I ordered mine last night. Is it too late to cancel? I just saw all of these reviews and I’m panicking!

  3. Leslie Lee DeWitt

    I should of check reviews before. Got scammed. I cancelled within 1 hr from ordering. Keep sending same email I reply and they send same thing everyday for a week now. I am mad as hell. They and all like them should be banned from internet
    Lesson learned go to reviews before ordering.

    • Marie....😤

      Like everyone else on here! I got scammed! Placed my order on 11/21/19 received an email that there’s a delay with my’s now 1/21/20 checked to see if my order has been shipped. My order no# and email has been deleted…I should had been a lot smarter and checked on reviews especially because it’s an online clothing company…I was really pissed off now I just feel really dumb…check before ordering!!

  4. Robin Michetti

    Any of the positive, NoraCora reviews on review sites are written in broken English and/or in a non-English culture manner. Sure, people write in not just from North America or whose mother tongue is not English…but ALL of them?
    Sadly having been scammed, myself, it gives me and others a very bad impression of the Chinese people as scammers and thieves.
    My question is: why do Visa, MasterCard, American Express and other credit card companies not refuse to deal with these scam artists? I suppose because they get their cut from these robbers. Shame on them!

  5. Angie

    Unfortunately, I have also been scammed by Everything said here is true. The merchandise I received was grotesquely different than what I bought at the website. Also, I never received several items of my order. And yes, when I complained to, I received several form letters completely disregarding my complaints. I am still waiting resolution from PayPal. Additionally, all the other Chinese online stores mentioned here defrauded me as well. These people need to be put in jail and they should throw away the key.


  6. Lili B

    What you see is really not what you get with NoraCora cheap and ugly clothes.
    I’ve been had with this scrap!
    This company is really dishonest.

    • Sam Kline needs to be investigated as a scam. Their product quality is poor and not seeming as what you ordered. They take a long time for you to receive your order and in its completion.

  7. Tibi

    Noracora a.k.a Fashion Web International is a fake website and a huge scam, it’s a ruse used by some fake Companies in China to steal your Identity and get your information to be used in China, and also steal your money, on top of it! On August 28, 2019, I ordered items worth $200 from this website but after waiting, I only received some of the items and not others, & the ones I received are cheap looking junk that don’t look anything like photos on their website, and which i have no use for. Their clothing is made of some cheap polyester while the earrings are made of some cheap ugly, rusty deep brown metal, or copper.??? As soon as I ordered the items, email link to ‘view the details’ of my order and my only access to tracking numbers mysteriously disappeared, with a message saying (Page Not Found), they closed the website link after getting what they wanted, my Info, ID and money. But for some reason, since they have my email, they are still able to send me promotional emails through their website (Noracora). When I asked them for the items I ordered or a refund, they sent me some computer generated, fake auto reply full of gibberish. I had paid for my order through PAYPAL, but when I contacted PAYPAL, i found out that they cannot help much, and since they don’t have enough employees, it literally takes ages to get someone on the phone and each associate has a different answer, meaning they don’t take notes and write customer call issues on file or record. Anyway, PAYPAL told me that there was nothing they could really do for me since they receive lots of complaints on Noracora and are overwhelmed. They also told me that Noracora told them that inorder for me to get my missing items, or money back, I needed to send all the items I had received back to China, by 12/01/19. How does that make any sense to anyone, what???? How and why am I expected to send back what I already paid for and got, inorder to receive what I haven’t received but already paid for?? So, why bother buying stuff and paying for items through PAYPAL, if they CANNOT even protect me as a customer from Scammers and fake sellers like NORACORA?. It’s been a big headache dealing with this, getting someone on phone at PAYPAL is like chasing wind, it takes at least 1 hour just to get through to a live human being and they are NOT even located in the US, (maybe Philippines or India??). Then, when you call you’ll have to start afresh and explain the whole situation, to them every single time. Each PAYPAL associate will ask you the very same questions over & over again, you’ll have to explain the issue from the start, to each PAYPAL associate because they don’t take any customer call notes over there at PAYPAL. They will also put you on hold for a while, only to come back and read their rehearsed script and tell you that there’s “nothing they could really do about the situation” since their “hands are tied on this”, and that they “really can’t override the decision on the matter”, they “are currently overwhelmed by similar complaints from Noracora website & similar websites”, that they “cannot refund the money because they need to protect both parties, buyer and seller” etc. what??? I thought PayPal was established to protect their customers from glaring scammers like Noracora.? This reply was after hours and hours of waiting to catch someone and being told to wait for for them to contact Noracora and then get back to them in 10 days, or 20 days, or 30 days and so forth. Both NORACORA and PAYPAL are awful to deal with, I will not do business with or deal with either of them in future. To make matters worse, shortly after I ordered my items from Noracora, I started receiving numerous calls from China (in Chinese language) and from different States and area codes in USA, using fake computer generated numbers, on a nearly daily basis. One of the calls I received, was some scammer posing as a US SS Administration guy, asking me to confirm my SSN to confirm stuff and pretending that I needed to call them ASAP because my SSN “had been used in a criminal activity”, like really.?😳. Thankfully, I’ve still got my marbles, and I’m very well aware of scammers and know better. Guys, please be warned, beware, DONOT DO IT, keep your money and your sanity. It’s been a freaking nightmare, and a wild maze trying to get my missing items and or refund back from these effing scammers. And to this day, I still haven’t received the missing items or a refund. I lost $100 to them. PLEASE DO NOT ORDER from NORACORA or Fashion Web International, they are web of liars and scammers, they are a bunch of thieves from China and obvious scammers, who use bait and switch tactics to get your information & some easy money. And while you’re at it, DO NOT use or pay for stuff through PAYPAL either, they WILL NOT PROTECT YOU, I repeat, they WONT you are on your own, beware!!

  8. Mary Flynn

    Where can I lodge a complaint to the Federal government? This company needs to be stopped! I need a contact number and address please.

  9. Alicia

    Please add “” to the list of affiliated clothing sites. I was scammed by them with all the same complaints as those already posted for Noracora. Saw many of the exact same items on both sites. I was one of the lucky ones who contested the charge and got my money back, including the original postage.

  10. Denise Griewisch

    The main company Noracora operates under is JustFashionNow. They also advertise their fake merchandise under these names and every day I’m finding more of these who advertise the same clothes but u dear different names, like:
    I have filed complaints with bot the Federal Trade Commission and the Federal Communication Commission because they sell online theFCC can charge them with wire fraud. It’s important to, instead of writing these complaints on Noracoras own site, which will result in nothing, PLEASE send these complaints to the federal agencies listed above. It’s user friendly, takes only a few minutes and I’ve already gotten a response saying they’ve opened a case. They need more complaints to shut the countdown.

    However, some of the clothes advertised look truly marvelous and unique. But they must be get the photos from actual manufacturers of these items, if I could find the makers of the beautiful sweaters, coats, shoes and shirts I’d definitely buy them! But I cannot figure out how to track that down. Some of the items look to be handmade, boutique quality, not mass produced. But where to duping the original designers and thee clothes?!
    Any ideas?

    • Denise Griewisch

      I found several typos in my first message above. I’ll try to clarify:
      The FTC and FCC need complaints to shut down the company, not “countdown”.
      But anyone have ideas about (not (duping) the original designers of these clothes?
      All the names listed in original message are names JustFashionNow advertises the exact same clothing items.

    • northern girl

      These companies take photos from clothing for sale on site such as Esty, small legitimate boutique companies, bloggers, and even large stores like Nordstrom. Surely this is not legal? I hope people who have lost money complain the federal agencies you mention. Well done for suggesting this.

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