Rushmore Loan Review – Honest or Scam Servicer?

Rushmore Loan ( is a mortgage servicer located in Irvine, California, Dallas, Texas and San Juan, Puerto Rico.

Claiming to put their customers at the center of everything they do, their so-called customer service model will be put through the ringer throughout the duration of our unbiased review.

To learn more regarding the honesty behind Rushmore Loan, we invite you to continue reading.

What does Rushmore Loan Do?

Rushmore Loan, hosted at, is owned and operated by Rushmore Loan Management Services LLC. According to their mission statement, Rushmore Loan is a residential mortgage servicer that “believes in providing the highest level of customer care.”

Stated on their About Us page, Rushmore Loan goes on to state, “The Rushmore umbrella includes our parent company and the capital markets arm of our organization which is located in Mid-Town Manhattan and our REO Disposition Company.

What corporate entities they are referring to we are uncertain since no identifying announcements regarding their parent companies was disclosed.

What is known is that Rushmore Loan specializes in residential mortgage services, so managing and collecting loan payments from past and present borrowers.

Given the nature of their service, Rushmore Loan is not a popular corporation amongst those who have personal experience.

How does Rushmore Loan Work?

Rushmore Loan works in relatively the same fashion as any other mortgage loan servicer.

While their operation is mostly known in regards to loan collecting, Rushmore Loan does supervise and manage loans transferred from other third parties.

Associated from other undisclosed corporate entities, we are uncertain the scale and complexity regarding Rushmore Loan but what is known is that their operation is expanding, a not in a positive nor satisfactory manner.

Community Feedback

What really rubbed us wrong was how the corporate model pertaining to Rushmore Loan would be how they put their customer first. However, if you visit the Better Business Bureau, this once admiration you felt for Rushmore Loan seizes to exist onward.

Reflecting a 96% negative customer review rating, Rushmore Loan Management Services LLC also has accrued over 150 customer complaints over the past 3 years alone.

Reports made on Ripoff Report and Indeed have gone on to elaborate about the corrosive practices being exercised by Rushmore Loan.

This was easily the worst job I’ve had in my 15+ years of working in the mortgage industry. Granted I was a temp but I was treated “less-than” and the manager was evil.

…On top of it, they have charged me for “late payments” when they told me that there was no late fee being applied. They are liars and dishonest in their dealings with customers. I am fortunate to be in a position to pay my mortgage off early so they will never see another dime from me! Stay far away from this company.

Contacting Rushmore Loan

Rushmore Loan appears to operate with a minimal communications department, meaning they rely upon telephone, email and old-fashioned postage mail in order to connect with their services.

If you reside within the United States you can call (888) 504-7200 or if you need the Puerto Rican office you can call (877) 509-8391.

In order to reach them via email, you will need to visit their domain,, in order to reach them through email via their contact form. Their mailing address for those inquiring would be the following:


Rushmore Loan Management Services LLC

P.O. Box 514707

Los Angeles, CA 90051

Domain Insight was privately registered on September 28th, 2009.

According to SimiliarWeb, Rushmore Loan reflects a global rank of 333,868 with a US rank of 68,710 as of June 29th, 2018.

Approximately 98.20% of their traffic derives from U.S. visitors since their services are only available to U.S. citizens while their platform supports over 100,000 monthly visitors as of May 2018.

Rushmore Loan Review Conclusion

Rushmore Loan is in quite a precarious position given the information disclosed in the review above.

We know that Rushmore Loan is owned and operated by Rushmore Loan Management Services LLC, but what we don’t understand is their evasive portrayal of their parent companies and the excessive quantity of negative customer feedback.

After carefully weighing the transparency versus the nature of Rushmore Loan services, we are not classifying Rushmore Loan as a scam but if you are affiliated with their services then, perhaps, don’t expect a pleasant user experience.

Given the countless negative reviews regarding their mortgage services, we do not advice to utilize their service unless you need too.

Please share any feedback you may regarding Rushmore Loan in a comment below!


  1. Bill

    I’m just realizing what a scam outfit this Rushmore Loan Services Management LLC is. Like others, Capotal One Bank without notice, transferred our home equity line of credit loan over to Rushmore last August 2018. First clue that made me suspicious was how they sent me a notice that I need to send in proof of Home Insurance like I had none on record. Not true. I had to dig up my home policy info and run around proving it to them so that they wouldn’t have an excuse to charge me extra penalty fees! Recently it dawned on me that something does not seem right with my monthly interest dues. We have been payind down our principal on the loan and each month Rushmore is calculating and charging us about the same monthly interest or MORE!!! When recent interest rates have not been going up! WTF I said today. I tried to send an inquiry reply email to my most recent billing statement and the enail got bounced back rejected. So I will have to go to their website to contact them to find out why my interest payments are higher after paying down the principal. Finding all these similar negative reviews about Rushmore is confirming my suspicions that they are a corrupt shady operation. What’s more, since I am reading that so many people from different banks or mortgage companies just upped and transferred our loans over to Rushmore like this makes me think that this ugly operation is bigger than it already seems. In other words, all those banks are in on this deal too it seems. I hope someone with the authority and clout can get to the bottom of this unfairness.

    • Alli V.

      I don’t know if there is, but let me know if you find one. I was just thinking about looking into one. They are evil, and definitely do not want to work to help you keep your home. They bought a large portfolio of delinquent loans/mortgages from Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, and other companies involved with the mortgage scam.

  2. Mr. Ed

    So, they suck and they are a dinosaur technologically speaking. I have a great interest rate so my strategy is to pay the minimum payment and call them whenever I have time to waste (which isn’t that often) so that I can waste as much of their time and money as possible. If we all do this they will have to fix their broken systems or go out of business!

  3. Susan Johnson

    This is a total scam. This company only exists to take money from unsuspecting people. They are NOT a mortgage company. They are collection company. Do Not give them any money.

  4. ozkar hammerstein

    My loan was just transferred to Rushmore from Ditech which is the vulture that climbed out of the ashes of Greentree servicing. This entity was fined $63 million for its crimes before it shut down and became Ditech. Looks like they are back at it under an even different name.

  5. Lisa

    Why isn’t Rushmore closed down? What they do must be illegal. They change rates, demand outrageous payments, and have no regard to anything previously agreed upon. I need an attorney or district attorney in PA to look at them and actually do something.

    • Alli V.

      I contacted my state’s District Attorney’s office in Delaware, and filed a complaint, because they are not working with me or anyone else who is trying to keep their home. I applied for a modification, and Rushmore offered me a “modification”. They want me to pay them $2,500.00, and increased my mortgage payment to $1,150.00 a month. How’s that for a modification? They want to take your home, that’s the bottom line. If I could afford that, I wouldn’t have applied for a modification. Do research you will find Rushmore is the collection agency for multiple banks like WSFS DBA Christiana Trust….I can’t remember the entire trust name.

  6. Daryl S

    read some comments here…Rushmore is not a mortgage company but rather a collection agency, if you are using them it wasn’t because you wanted to, its because you are behind or allegedly behind on your mortgage and the bank that actually holds the note hired rushmore to collect the dept due. you had no choice here…that being said im not sure if you go back to the original mortgage company once you catch up, i think they work hard a taking your home ultimately? we are currently lawyered up, there wrong in what i’ve paid. I can completely relate to the issues people are having here, i really believe they hire people that couldn’t hold a job in the RMV if they wanted to, the incompetency level is excruciating. i have a question though, does Randy Horton exist? i keep getting letters with his name on them, Ive called 13 times left voicemails, never a callback, I believe he is a unicorn… bottom line hire an attorney now!

    • Suzanne OBrien

      Not exactly. We are an 800 credit score. Our loan was sold off by Cap 1 as many others harmed by their egregious tactics. yes, they do prey upon those with bad credit but they are awful and unlawful to everybody. Please like my Rushmore Loan Management Sucks FB page and share your story.

      • H. Fitzgerald

        Same here. Mortgage loan was sold to Rushmore by capital one. We also have a 830 credit score and I am very upset that we have to deal with this incompetent company that states “we are a debt collection service and this is an attempt to collect a debt” on our loan statements. WTH! I have never been late with any bill payments in my life! I wish I could afford to refinance just to get away from this trash heap of a company, but Capital one has already stolen years worth of mortgage payments due to refinancing my mortgage without proper disclosures of fees. So fed up and am out $16,000 and it will take 5 years longer to pay off the mortgage.

        • Robert Strouse

          Get away from Rushmore as fast as you can. Raised my interest rate for nothing. Had to get every government agency to get it straighten out. I refinanced to get away from them!

  7. Victor h carbajal

    My bank (capital one) transfer my mortgage loan to this company without telling me ,so I have no option so I think is a pack of respect to customers from capital one.Im try now to paid in full so I can avoid the satanic intentions of this company (rushloanmortgage) to steal my money in concepts of late fees of insurance non proof (I have my insurance for the mortgage but they allready “warning me” ) so Yes I will run away as fast I can from ” companies” like this!!!!

  8. Robert Strouse

    Refinanced my home wire transfer from new lender sent to Rushmore on 12-18-2018 even with wire transfer conformation Rushmore said did not receive funds .Holding over four thousand in escrow.


    horrible service I try to contact the via phone then the message machine send me to online then in on line cant reach them the the send me to via phone againnand repit the same shit Im sick and tire of this stupid corporation of trash!!! and Im only try to register as new customer to contact this idiots are a nighmare.butnIm think they are doing this intentionaly to collect (or steal) more money in concept of “late payment” we need do something with corporations like this wheres the ceo is not intelectualy able to deal with his idiots employes

  10. geri Verola

    I have 3 loans that were recently transferred to Rushmore and it has been nothing but a nightmare. They are impossible to deal with, can’t even get a hold of them by phone and once you do after an hour on hold, you get their call center in the Philippines and they are not cable of assisting you. Everyone gives you a different answer. They have a 96% negative review so not sure why they aren’t closed down. They post your payments incorrectly and then you can’t get them corrected. It is a horrible company and the CEO should take more responsibility for a company that can’t function and serve their clients with the care and support they deserve. If you read their website, they say customer service is top priority. NOT true. I am having an issue getting 2 of my loans on line due to a technical error on their part and they were supposed to call me 2 days ago to fix it. Never heard back. Left serveral messages with other employess and never heard from them either. This is becoming a full time job and isn’t acceptable. They also incorrectly posted a mortgage payment. Tried numerous times to get it corrected as well. Something needs to be done with this company.

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