Wing Insurance Review

Wing Insurance ( is quite a peculiar operation that allegedly operates as a global brokers insurance network. Composed of a select panel of independent insurance brokerages, the alleged mission set forth according to their domain would be to provide a multitude of supported insurances to corporate entities or less commonly, individuals. Claiming to employ over 10,500 employees in over 500 offices worldwide while generating an annual turnover of €9.5 billion, it is a miraculous wonder how Wing Insurance possesses such little virtual presence.

As you begin to work your way through this unbiased review, you will learn not only more about the operations conducted at Wing Insurance but also whether or not this operation can be trusted. Operating almost identical to advance fee scams while gathering consumers personal and financial information through unverified channels is shady business, even for such a pristine operation as Wing Insurance.

About Wing Insurance

Wing Insurance, abbreviated for Worldwide Insurance Network Group, claims their operation to be a select panel of independent insurance brokers providing a co-ordinated, integrated insurance and risk management solution for businesses who operate on the global stage. Composed of 73 members located in 55 countries with 582 offices, we find it rather suspicious that this operation fails to reflect a strong online presence.

Furthermore, allegedly producing a turnover of €9.5 billion per year with a foundation of over 1 million customers worldwide would amount to some impressive reputability and surely some consumer feedback. However, no feedback or reviews can be found anywhere on the web regarding this global operation. Allegedly operating as a legal entity registered in Switzerland as a verein (association), we found no evidence to support this claim among Switzerland registries.

WING Insurance is counseled by a small group of 5 board members. Matttias Bolander is Chairman of WING and has been the allegedly board director since 2011. In addition, is also appears to the CEO of his own firm, Bolander & Co. Vice-Chairman is Alda Dhingra, who is the alleged co-founder of the Delhi branch of Prudent Insurance Brokers. Other board members include Carlos Garcia Crosa, Fabrice de Waal and Christina Holzinger. All board members appear to be legitimate entities.

Wing Insurance Consumer Offer

According to the Become a Member page at Wing Insurance, “the purpose of WING is to facilitate and develop the insurance brokerage activities of its Members and Affiliated Members and to enable them to provide their mutual clients and prospects with comprehensive and responsive service by a non-bureaucratic global network which has an interactive exchange of market know-how.” Essentially meaning that Wing Insurance is functioning as a connective outlet to provide their members clients with their insurance services.

In order to become a member, applicants must complete the WING application form and return it with a copy of their current PI/E&O insurance certificate to The completed application will then be discussed at the next board meeting, which usually takes place every 3 to 4 months where their will respond with their decision afterward.

If approved, the applicant will receive an invite to attend the next WING conference. Annual WING memberships are currently priced at an annual rate of €1,500 (plus any bank transfer fees) which will cover the attendance cost for one assembly per year (minus hotel accommodations). Members wishing to visit more than 1 assembly in the same year will be charged €500, not including hotel costs.

Community Feedback

First brought to our attention by one of our subscribers, Wing Insurance approached our subscriber out-of-the-blue with an offer claiming to recover loss funds from a scam brokerage for a minimum 15% upfront payment of the to be recovered funds. What we found interesting though would be how our subscriber was contacted previously by other “insurance” and “asset recovery firms” like Secured Trade Investments, which was already exposed as an advance fee scam.

According to the provided feedback, our subscriber was contacted by Michael Cunnington at WING Insurance (Worldwide Insurance Network 623 5th Ave NY NY 10022), who claimed there was a class action taking place in the UK in February to recover loss funds. Apart from being requested to pay an upfront 15% fee for recovered funds, the disclosed office address provided by Michael Cunnington is not a valid physical address and fails to match any disclosed office address shared at

Question Marks and Red Flags

Wing Insurance operates as a global insurance network that connects insurance providers from all areas of the globe. While this should be the extent of their operation, what we fail to understand would be how this operation is acquiring non-interested consumers personal and financial information and operating like an asset recovery firm that requires upfront payments to “recover” funds. This sort of illicit business conduct is a signature move employed by advance fee scams which is why we urge consumers to tread carefully around WING.

In addition, for a platform that claims to support over 1 million customers worldwide and employs over 10,000 members, surely the site would reflect some sign of respectable traffic inflow instead of failing to acquire hardly any at all. WING also claims to have been existence for over 25 years yet there is little to no information on the internet to support this claim while a WHOIS search will reveal the contrary and reflect that the site was first registered on May 6th, 1999.

Popularity fails to attract a monthly visitor base to allow it to rank amongst market intelligence sites like SimilarWeb. This indicates to us that the site receives virtually no traffic despite their outlandish claims of supporting such as vast quantity of customers and employees.

Can Wing Insurance be Trusted?

Gauging the trustability of Wing Insurance is more difficult than the majority of operations we cross paths with. Consider for a moment how their alleged board members appear to be actual entities that disclose verifiable information regarding their other corporations and it would appear that WING was legit.

However, there are several factors that we cannot overlook such as how WING Insurance does not appear to be an association based in Switzerland, how their site fails to possess a popularity rating or presence anywhere on the internet if it is such an immense operation and why they are operating similar to advanced fee scams that have been on the rise ever since the downfall of the binary options industry. Review – The Verdict

For the time being we are not categorizing Wing Insurance as a scam operation. However, if more information in the future is revealed about this operation or if more troubling consumer feedback is received we will take the necessary measures required to render a more concrete verdict regarding Wing Insurance.

Have you been deceived by Wing Insurance? Please share any feedback or experience you may possess by leaving a comment below!


  1. Jon Vaughn

    It is sad to see this scam has been going for so long. I was called by David Buchanan yesterday with the exact same scenario. He knew all about my losses to to the scammer options traders and wa ready to to recover my losses. I had been through this exact same thing a couple years ago that wanted some fees paid a head of recovery which I paid and was ripped off yet again. David assured me that I would only pay their fees AFTER I received my funds. I re-asked three or four times and he kept up the same line that I would pay him after I received my funds. I told him I would not pay a penny ahead of time because of my past scams So I sent him some information expecting him o jump on me but he disappeared today. Because I told him that I would never pay up front? I’m guessing YES!

    • Anita Price

      Yes I wish I can post some of the emails that they sent me so people can know to stay away from them they are a scam I called the SEC and they assured me that there’s only one case out there and that’s Banc to binary that they had on file anything other than that is a scam and they’ve been running this game for years since they know that that case is out there the lady said they do not know about any private cases that came up they only have the one so anybody call you please people go online find us we trying to help you they don’t care that you are innocent person all they trying to do is get your money

      • Hope

        Have been so stupid and just believed. Is there anything we can do to stop there people and get back what they stole from us?

  2. Virjilio DIAZ

    somos dos, y tengo mucha información nombres y hasta una identificación de Donna

    • Anita Price

      I want to add to this hopefully it’ll help some people I was contacted by James Prevost and his partner David Buchanan and they told me that they had recovered my money $188,000 but I had to pay $4,000 per each claim and because I had already settled a claim a real one with the United States government with bank the binary for $4,000 the gentleman had already told me that if anybody was to contact me and tell me that I had to pay some money up front it’s a lie they have all of our information about who was involved in the real claim so they are calling trying to steal money from us and then get upset when you call them out if a gentleman by the name of James Prevost call you it is a scam do not give them any information I didn’t give them any money but I gave them information and I’m going to have to close out accounts and things like that just to make sure cuz I didn’t have nothing in the first place but these people don’t care about hurting good people you got to understand the type of people these are they don’t care that I have seven children they don’t care that I’ve been through for eye surgeries they don’t care that at the time when they was trying to steal $1,700 was the final number that they came up with my lights was about to go off they don’t care so please steer clear David Buchanan is the other name that he gave and some secretary with a crazy email address so hope this

      • E Carter

        Just received today, found this forum by searching the phone number he provided:
        From: David Buchanan
        Sent: May 1, 2019 6:12 PM
        Subject: Litigation Process (Final Attempt)

        A binary insurance recovery Firm/broker has been ordered to compensate a client all that he/she invested with their respective platform – plus interest. Titan Trade, also known as 113 other different aliases on the binary options as well as the FOREX trading platforms, including GT Option, Magnum Option & Option FX, just to name a few, was involved in a class action lawsuit. Before they were to be convicted of anything illegal, the platform settled out of court for $217.25 million dollars to be paid to the 10 thousand plus investors effected. RTG trading, who is also known as Banc De Binary and several other aliases on the commodities and currencies exchange market and binary options/FOREX trading platforms, was also taken to court where they settled for 200 plus million dollars. Your Investment Portfolio will be expected for closure in coordination of your Releasing Official & our Finance Department. It is our job the insurance company in charge of your Secured Investment and your Assured Payout (which you signed up for) to disburse said funds. The Secured Exchange Commission board has ordered that a liability check of $11,991.87 be paid to each investment portfolio consecutive to the initial claim granted after proof of investment is validated.

        Please see attached credentials so that you know who you are corresponding with, and then read through the court proceedings, so as to be up to speed on the situation at hand. Next, fill out the POI form to the best of your ability. Remember, the secured exchange commission will already have a thorough documentation on your investment and this attached documentation only serves as proof of actual initial investment. Please keep in mind that any bonuses you were promised or any screen shots of conversations with your broker will help as well as rounded numbers that you remember will help even if you do not have any actual documentation.

        Secured Investments Brokerage Firm is the firm assigned to allocate to you your claim and it is a pleasure to be of your assistance. We have brokers working around the clock to bring an end to this massive binary nightmare that has transpired. If for any reason you are unsure of the investment at hand or if you simply need the reassurance of someone you have worked with before, we are completely fine with you seeking legal counsel or financial advice.

        If there are any other questions, or concerns, feel free to reply or call our headquarters; 1-347-345-3179. Again, please fill out the POI Proof of Investment form sign it and send it back so that we can submit it to the SEC immediately and determine the amount of your claim.


        D. Buchanan

        Executive Advisor Senior Broker
        FINRA CRD License# 4814526

        • E Carter



          • E Carter

            CIVIL ACTION NO. 16 cv 60297-JIC

            This is from a court document I was sent by Buchanan regarding the payback of funds and court ruling. When I searched this document online it is very different than the doctored one he sent me. I will string him along for a bit until I can get more dirt on them and then I will send it to FINRA and any fraud department I can.

          • Courtenay

            Good for you! Please share with us any new developments if you do indeed report them. It amazes me that they have the audacity to continue this farce, especially considering they know about this thread (I sent James P. a link to it in an email exchange we had where I made it clear I was not buying his act). It would be very satisfying if this actually came to something.

          • Anita Price

            This is a scam and it’s been going on for a little while I posted my information of time please people if you find it if James Primo or David Buchanan contact you this is a scam do not ever send him any money there is a real case that actually happened a couple years ago and it’s only one I actually talked to that s DC and she told me that it’s only one case that has been settled anything outside of that they have nothing to do with it

      • E Carter

        How did you get some of your money back if you dont mind telling me. My personal email is and I am in Ontario Canada. If you could email me or we could talk on the phone I would greatly appreciate it.

  3. mark knutson

    I hope some one catches them and puts James Provost and his partner that helps collect the stolen money ! His partner is Francisco Arturo Rochet-Perez (First, Middle, Last-Last)
    avenia 27 de febrero #5
    Villa Mella, Santo Domingo Norte, Dominican Republic
    And they use WorldRemit to have money collected threw !!

    • mark knutson

      I must add that World Rimit is not part of them ! Is only the money wire company the like to use !! Yes i was stupid and lost also !

    • Annika

      Hi. Mark, I almost finished sending you a lengthy reply regarding how I too was severely ripped off by the man claiming to be. James Provost.. and others!!! But I somehow deleleted it an certainly don’t have the inclination to write it all again!!
      So, I’ll just say that I’m happy to be with you, and others want to take class action.. or whatever!! Such rogues deserve to be punished big time!!’ Thanks for your post!!

      • Hope

        What can we do to stop those liars?
        Please let me know!


  4. James

    Got a call from these joker’s & they left msg. When I called back to the “Executive Advisor & Senior Broker” the call just went to a magic jack voice mail! Clearly a scan outfit!!!!!!

  5. Carlos Perez

    Buenos dias.
    Yo tambien he sido estafado por WING a traves de la SR. Donna Richardson, con casi 25000 euros para una reclamacion inicial de 78500 dolares y el dia que realice el ultimo pago me dicen que la demanda colectiva ha sido aprobado por un supuesto Juzgado de Nueva York y que debo pagar 16500 dolares mas al juzgado para que se me indemnize totalmente. Si alguien tiene informacion de estos personajes estoy dispuesto a colaborar y presentar una demanda colectiva contra esta supuestos abogados. Ya tengo contactado con un gran bufete de abogados de Nueva York para denunciar a esta compañia y rogaria poder asociarse para que nuestra fuerza sea mayor.

    • Hope

      Hi there,
      Sorry to hear you have been tricked by these people! If there is way to take them and get our money back, I would like to join. But will it cost money as they ripped me off.

    • Virjilio DIAZ

      Interesante ,todo quiero saber si ya se ha hecho algo legal contra esta empresa, tengo documentos que avalan mis pagos ademas de documentos que ellos me enviaron al día de hoy no me han pagado $165.500,00 dolares que se supone ya son míos, pero ahora salen que la cuenta es en pesos Chilenos

    • Alexander Edelman

      Escríbame a mi correo personal señor Pérez!

  6. Geoff

    Got a call from someone that sounded a bit like “Mathieu Legrand from RTG Trading” on 19155346275

    (915) is a Texas (TX) area code

    Major cities: El Paso

    I’m sure they would be spoofing phone numbers anyway.

    He was particularly keen to get me to say “yes” on his recording ,that I agree to get a letter from HSBC regarding compensation from the legal proceedings.

    ( at least I think that was what I was saying yes to. He was very hard to understand due to his accent )

    The email from HSBC was supposed to come through in a couple of hours but never came.

    He said he was from some law firm handling the compensation case and asked why I hadn’t returned the forms James Provost had sent me. Unfortunately I didn’t get his name.

    I mentioned I had received some money back using a credit card charge back but he said they had invested money from all the victims and the profits they made for themselves were being divided up amongst the victims.

    • Jennifer

      Hi I wonder how long it will take or what you need to hear so you can take necessary steps regarding WingInsurance scam! Personally I have tried and even gone to the police but Iam not getting much help. However I have not given up. So when you say you will take necessary steps what do you mean and how long does it have to be for a company that Is robbing people like this ?

    • Courtenay

      This sounds similar to what James P. was claiming to all of us in his suspicious emails. I agree with Jennifer: why is it so difficult to nail down these criminals when so many people have been scammed and they seem to be easy to find?? Is it just that no-one cares because this is so common? Do we need to band together and instigate a class action lawsuit ourselves? I’m not sure how this works exactly… Any input is appreciated!

      • Hope

        If there is any way to catch those liars, please let me know. I have lost so much, been so stupid.

  7. mark knutson

    October 26, 2018 Reply
    mark knutson
    My name is Mark ! They did the same to me ! They promised right from the start i could pay all ones the funds were cleared and then broke that promise saying i must pay or forefoot the funds ! They new i was broke and ill !! Their words of promises are not kept and and do not keep their promises ! They are heartless people and do not give a shit how bad your life is !! Their promises are nothing but empty words !!

    December 14, 2018 Reply
    mark knutson
    If you look up the name James Provost scam you will find a man in Saskatchewan Canada who was arrested and charged !! I have no doubts they are part of his group in hurting people !! I prayed they were true so i could have a second chance at life but i know now they are nothing but liars and heartless people who do not care who they hurt ! I even offered them 20 k more if they helped to clear the funds !! ! They walked away when they new i had nothing . Left me with nothing and hopes that was lies !!

    December 14, 2018 Reply
    mark knutson
    Wish it ad been true !! Would have donated 20k to help others who suffered like i did to assist them with their problems !! WAS NOTHING BUT BROKEN PROMISES AND HURTFUL DREAMS !! JUST A CRUEL GAME WITH PEOPLES LIVES !!

    December 14, 2018 Reply
    mark knutson
    I will pray my comments will save others from being hurt and having false hopes !!

    December 14, 2018

  8. PiriNZ

    Hi All this is very enlightening and satisfying to see that there are other that have been sent the same or similar letter from James Provost.
    I live in Auckland New Zealand and read comments from others like myself had been scammed by these low life’s. I’m hesitant to go forward on this and send form… yet seeing there has been some success stories… that i’m skeptical of… maybe copies of their credits would help.
    Is there another or direct process to the commissioner of IRS to make an application to… please advise if anyone has experienced this.


    • mark knutson

      My name is Mark ! They did the same to me ! They promised right from the start i could pay all ones the funds were cleared and then broke that promise saying i must pay or forefoot the funds ! They new i was broke and ill !! Their words of promises are not kept and and do not keep their promises ! They are heartless people and do not give a shit how bad your life is !! Their promises are nothing but empty words !!

      • mark knutson

        If you look up the name James Provost scam you will find a man in Saskatchewan Canada who was arrested and charged !! I have no doubts they are part of his group in hurting people !! I prayed they were true so i could have a second chance at life but i know now they are nothing but liars and heartless people who do not care who they hurt ! I even offered them 20 k more if they helped to clear the funds !! ! They walked away when they new i had nothing . Left me with nothing and hopes that was lies !!

        • mark knutson

          Wish it ad been true !! Would have donated 20k to help others who suffered like i did to assist them with their problems !! WAS NOTHING BUT BROKEN PROMISES AND HURTFUL DREAMS !! JUST A CRUEL GAME WITH PEOPLES LIVES !!

          • mark knutson

            I will pray my comments will save others from being hurt and having false hopes !!

    • Hope

      Hi there, they did the same to me from NZ too. Was so innocent, believed that James Provost. They really don’t have any shame!! Is there a way we can do anything against these people?

  9. Jennifer kayegi

    My name is Jennifer I was contacted by Wing insurance to recover the money ihave lost to .They sent me so many documents and I believed them. I even questioned rhem if they are a and they assured me no. . I have paid rhem 18800 dollars as they gave documents showing I have been compensated with 137 dollars. They have now come with a bill of 3000 dollars claiming I should pay tax first before they release the money. Please can anyone help me how to get this companyarrested . This is criel what they have done to me . I have reported to the Police but any advice is welcome. They sent me so much information surely can’t they be tracked down. They are thrives in broad daylight using the internet. To Scam people .reply pleasethese website should be short down

    • Annika

      Hi Jennifer, I can’t help you except to say that similar things have happened to me too!! I wish I knew what to do!! I hate to think how much I have lost … but I know for sure I’ve lost over $100, 000!! It left me totally devastated and for awhile I wasn’t even able to buy food or meds. I had to work years past the retirement age just to keep my head above water!! And then the rogues come and tell you they can help and because you’re desperate and vulnerable you agree to them and they make matters even worse!! Now I’m retired and struggle every day to make ends meet!! I still have a mortgage and my house desperately needs fixing but I can’t afford anything!! I am sorry to hear this has happened to you as it’s by far the worst thing that’s ever happened to me!!’ Wishing you all the very best!!

      • Jennifer

        Why is it so difficult to catch these thrives can’t fraud investigation get them really with the phone number S and emails used why is so difficulty and they continue to rob innocent people in broad day light Surely something has to be done.


    I received the same bs email, it’s a scam. don’t ever send money upfront for services not rendered yet.
    I agree with Robert, total BS.

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